{{contact.first_name}}, what do you think of pain the the pangs that follow?

Jan 07, 2022 8:01 pm


, have you been so hurt that you thought you'd never recover? I wrote an article about pain, and would love to share my thoughts with you. But, before you jump into the article, here's a love note from me to you:

"Pain is not meant to end you. Bad days are not all there is. And the broken pieces of you do not reflect who you are. You are so much more than the awful things that have happened to you, than the people you’ve lost, than the hearts you’ve broken or the ones who have broken you along the way. You are so much more than the plans that failed, than the times you messed up, than the truths that make you dizzy, than the abuse you’ve endured. "

Click here to read 'Of Pain and the Pangs'.



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