I have a new book coming soon!

Oct 13, 2021 12:06 pm


Hi, , do you know how the movie industry likes to release a measly three-second sneak peek trailer announcing a NEW, longer trailer is coming soon for a brand new movie? Doesn’t make much sense, and it’s a bit excessive, but still, that’s what I’m doing here. In less than a month, I will be releasing my fourth chapbook! Woot!

Diary of a Broken Poet

My first, ‘Diary of a Broken Poet’, published in 2017, which according to Phunsho Oris “…is more than just a collection of poems written by the author on issues that affect him and us. It is a discourse between the poet and his readers, an intimate conversation which unveils the ‘beingness’ of the author and his unique perspective of life and living. In the age where focus is on how words are metaphorized into some extended discordance, where clamour is for “depth”, which is often devoid of feeling or emotion, it is a relief to read poems that pour from the soul and being of the poet!”


My second, and my favorite [will I ever get to say ‘why’?] ‘Sweetness’ (2018) is a collection of poems that promises to take you on a tour of lyrical beaches to see beautiful sunsets. In Jide Badmus‘ words:

“The imagery is vivid, easily relatable! This book will make you yearn for love and the sweetness of romance.”
– Jide Badmus

Reading SWEETNESS is like snacking on a plate of heart-shaped candies. The language employed in these short delectable verses is simple; and the message is like a kiss-stamp on a pink postcard. The last three poems will leave you in tears.

Write Me a Poem

My last and third collection, ‘Write Me A Poem’, published last year, 2020, talks about flaws, fails, falls and a willingness to fly, again. It’s a beautiful thing to fall in love with yourself. It’s doubly beautiful to write to this yourself over and over again, reminding yourself that you are worth it and that sometimes, it’s okay to fail, fall, falter and get back up on your feet. If you need a little reminder, these poems I compiled will surely give you a fresh perspective on becoming. Enjoy and don’t forget to share it with the people you love.

One final thing…

When you live in a creative world, such as I do, emotional support goes a long way. You can show that support by doing any or all of these 4 simple things. 

  • Get a copy of the above-listed book (if you haven’t read them). 
  • Leave a review on each book page (if you’ve read any).
  • Leave a comment below. 
  • Share this post to your friends and family.

Such easy things for you, but they mean the world to those of me. As always, thank you for being you, and happy reading.
