What Do Angels Look Like? 😇
Mar 10, 2024 6:00 am
What Do Angels Look Like?
Glee greetings, !
Have you ever paused to consider the everyday miracles around us? The moments that warm our hearts and the encounters that change our days for the better? These experiences, as fleeting as they may seem, are the brushstrokes of angels in our lives.
Consider the elderly woman who handed you back your wallet, her eyes twinkling with kindness. Or the bus conductor whose compliment about your smile brightened your entire day. And what about the child whose laughter reminded you of the joy found in life's simple pleasures?
Angels are not just celestial beings with wings; they are the people we meet every day. They are the ones who offer us a part of their meal when we have none, or the individuals who inspire us to believe in the impossible.
They come in every form imaginable, from the friend who knows just how to lift your spirits, to the stranger who guides you when you're feeling lost. Their appearances are diverse, with smiles, laughter lines, and all the unique features that make us human.
These angels walk among us, leaving no trace but the impact they've made on our hearts. They ask for nothing in return, and their presence is a gift we often overlook.
So, as you step out today, take a moment to truly see the angels in your life. Appreciate the blessings they bring and the lessons they teach. For when you open your heart to the possibility of their existence, you find that they are indeed everywhere, making living worth the effort.
Moreso, be an angel to someone today: give an honest compliment, share a smile, lend a helping hand, share a drink/meal, do something, anything, that'd leave someone, anyone happier than they met you.
Until next time, stay sane, and angelic.
With ❤️,
Jaachị Anyatọnwụ