Immediate Action Required: Clear Your Cache

Dec 15, 2023 11:21 am


I am issuing an urgent security alert to all RAMAC mentees regarding a recent security incident that affects a wide range of digital wallets, including but not limited to Ledger, MetaMask, and Rabby.

What Happened?

Compromised DApps: The primary concern revolves around compromised decentralized applications (DApps). 

A malicious front-end attack was instigated yesterday morning which is capable of injecting code into your wallet when you connect to a decentralized app. This hack targets how your wallet connects to the platform.

So, despite hitting “connect” from your end, someone else’s wallet is put as the recipient so when you hit “Approve Transaction,” your crypto gets sent to a wallet you never gave the address for.

This attack happened early yesterday morning and it’s only a concern if you’ve connected your wallet to a decentralized app or used it to approve a front-end transaction. 

If you haven't used dApps with your wallet before yesterday's incident, your funds should be safe.

An additional area of concern is the Ledger Connect Kit Update. The Ledger Connect Kit has been updated, and while there are no indications of a breach, we advise caution at this time.

However, the team would like to note that Ledger Hardware and Ledger Live Security remain secure and were not compromised.

Next Steps:

A patch has already been applied to get rid of the malicious code. However, to ensure that when you connect to a dApp, the platform pulls the correct code, you’ll need to clear your cache on your browser.

Here’s how to do that on ChromeFirefoxSafari, and Internet Explorer.

Our team is closely monitoring the situation and will send updates as new information becomes availableBut overall, we recommend being more cautious today when navigating DeFi. security of your digital assets.

We appreciate your immediate cooperation and understanding as we navigate this security challenge.

Stay Alert, Stay Safe,

Dr. Somto
