Free Summit - Psychic & Intuitive Abilities

Mar 28, 2023 12:11 am


Extrasensory abilities are naturally developed within us by being more receptive to the subtler and finer messages around us. We all have extrasensory, as well as sensory, faculties.

― Donna Goddard 

Do you sometimes wonder if the Universe is sending you important messages, but you’re just not picking up on the signals?

Ever wish you had a way to amplify and refine your psychic abilities to more easily access and navigate invisible realms? 

Wouldn’t it be liberating to enhance your intuition and harness your healing gifts by gently releasing anxiety, confusion, or overwhelm…

… giving you the clarity you need to interpret celestial signs and synchronicities that can give you clear guidance for effective decision-making and problem-solving?

One of the most enticing invitations of the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit is to learn to expand your intuition and other spiritual abilities by becoming more sensitive to subtle energies…

… equipping you to master skills that can reveal potent new information for transforming your health and your life.

There’s now a plethora of scientific evidence to support what religious and spiritual traditions have pointed to for millennia — that there is information available to us beyond the physical world and our five senses. 

A growing community of heart-centered scientists, physicians, authors, educators, and leading practitioners in metaphysics are exploring these ideas… 

… and The Shift Network has gathered many of the most prominent of these experts to share their revelatory experiences and insightful methods of perceiving and accurately interpreting psychic messages and the sense of “inner knowing.”

They’ll share tools and practices that can help you calm your nervous system and be more receptive to these potent subtle energies — and more adept at working with energy to help heal yourself and others.

This summit gives you access to revered wisdom traditions as well as modern evidence-based teachings that encourage you to move beyond your five senses to embrace an amazing world of information and insights that are accessible once you tune in to the loving reverberations of the Cosmos. 

Expect to emerge transformed!

Free Online Event

Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit

April 10–14


RSVP here for the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit — at no charge
