Discover My New Book on Ho'oponopono – Free to Read on Kindle!

Sep 18, 2024 1:46 am


I’m thrilled to announce the release of my new book, "Ho'oponopono as a Path to Enlightenment", now available on Kindle! 🎉

In this book, I take you beyond the traditional understanding of Ho'oponopono, offering a fresh perspective that goes deeper than the Four Phrases. You’ll learn how to cleanse old memories and open the door to divine inspiration, helping you move closer to a state of peace and clarity in your everyday life.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll discover:

  • The true purpose of Ho'oponopono and how it relates to human enlightenment
  • How to connect with your Unihipili (your inner child) for deeper healing
  • The three states of the mind and how to use them to improve your practice
  • Key spiritual qualities that can help you cleanse more effectively

I’ve written this book to guide you step by step through a journey that will transform your understanding of Ho'oponopono and its power. Whether you’re new to this practice or have been doing it for years, you’ll find something valuable that can take your journey to a whole new level.

And the best part? If you're a member of Kindle Unlimited, you can read the entire book for FREE! 🎉

👉 Click here to get your copy now!

I can’t wait to hear what you think, and as always, thank you so much for your continued support.

With gratitude,

Stela Ahau

Zero Point Awakening
