Explore the science and mysteries of psychic messages & intuitive insights

Apr 07, 2023 3:01 pm

One of the most enticing invitations of the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit is to learn to expand your intuition and other spiritual abilities by becoming more sensitive to subtle energies…


Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • James Van Praagh will share ways to access your own intuitive ability — specifically the various “clairs” of clairsentienceclairaudience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance
  • New York Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff will speak about synchronicity and living an intuitive life, and how both are connected to experiencing what she calls being “happy for no reason.” 
  • Evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will reveal the #1 key to developing your psychic abilities and intuition.
  • Robert Moss will relay vivid personal experiences of dreaming the future and gaining vital information from the departed in dreams.
  • Caroline Cory will talk about discerning the origins and different polarities of energies you’re constantly interacting with — and how to protect yourself from potential negative effects.
  • Cyndi Dale will demonstrate working through a special chakra (the eighth) to remember and renew your psychic gifts from past lives.
  • Sarah Elkhaldy will focus on activating, receiving, and interpreting information through your crown chakra. 
  • Heather Regal Salmon will show you how setting up your energy field can open your channel to receive divine guidance, knowledge, and inspiration — so you can walk the path of the psychic initiate. 
  • Langston Kahn will explore why the connection between healing emotional wounds and developing your psychic abilities is the key to unlocking the full power of your intuitive gifts.
  • Avril Price, the UK’s leading practitioner and teacher of Tarot, will show you how Tarot can be used to read individuals, groups of souls, and the world situation.

And much more!

RSVP here for the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit — at no charge

With love,


from https://zeropointawakening.com/
