[UPDATE #7]: GotchCards Kickstarter 27% funded!! 📣
May 18, 2024 12:15 am
Hey y'all!! ✨
At the time of this writing, we're at 27% funded with 102 backers!! 🤯
There are still 22 days left to get the remaining 63% (~$13,500).
In a previous email, we announced that you can try out GotchaCards on Tabletop Simulator. If you have access to a printer, you can print out a version of our prototype cards and try that!
Grab the PDF here:
Also, we've created a Facebook Page for GotchaCards, if that's something you're using! Please share our project anywhere you can, every little bit will get us closer to our goal!
This Saturday, May 18th is our first live event in Porterville, California. We're hoping to learn a lot from this demo and have lots of new players come and try the game in person! We've got a couple more of these scheduled in California's Central Valley, so stay tuned for more details.
'til next week's update!
– Pat & Pablo
Support & Share Our Kickstarter Campaign!!
Twitter - https://twitter.com/hyperheartcom
Instagram - https://instagram.com/letsgotchacards
Facebook - https://facebook.com/GotchaCards
TikTok - https://tiktok.com/@letsgotchacards