Oh, The Horror!

Nov 03, 2022 5:45 pm

imageHello horror lovers!

I don't know about you, but this was a spectacular Halloween for me and I've been reading so many amazing books. But just because Halloween is over doesn't mean the scares and chills stop.

Click the link below for an absolutely stellar lineup of FREE horror books! Free! I love that word and these books are just waiting patiently for you to download... Free!

Click here to get free horror.

Just a reminder that I have four free short horror stories on Wattpad. My latest is from my book The Things That Happen At Night about a supernatural clown on Halloween. I made a quick cover for it which you can see above.

As always, if you read it I truly hope you enjoy it!

In case you missed it, my last video is all about four new horror novels that are coming out soon. I hope you watch and get your next favourite read. 🍻👍😀

Click here to watch.

That's it for this one. I hope you're all safe and doing well. One final question though. What's your favourite horror movie you've watched in the past six months? Let me know because I need recommendations! Thank you.

Dave from Horror Reads
