Honeysuckle Condemns Anti-Asian Violence and Domestic Terrorism

Mar 20, 2021 3:33 am


Honeysuckle Condemns Domestic Terrorism targeting Anti-Asian Violence and Racism

The recent horrific murders of eight people in Atlanta, including six Asian women, come at a time of unprecedented violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). There have been 3,800 reports of hate incidents targeting members of AAPI communities across the country since March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began, according to the advocacy organization Stop AAPI Hate. Honeysuckle Media condemns violence and domestic terrorism, standing in solidarity with AAPI communities everywhere. 

Our weekly content here:

The Alarming Spike in Anti-Asian Hate Crimes 


At the beginning of 2021, Asian households celebrated the Lunar New Year in solitude, with an underlying current of tragedy and fear triggered by the alarming rise in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans.

Read more here by Cathleen Luo

#StopAsianHate: Startling Signs, Systemic Racism, and Solutions


The pandemic, combined with Trump’s presidency, has led to an increase in xenophobic mentalities and a dreadful surge of hate crimes; late last year, law enforcement noticed an alarming spike in racially motivated crimes against Asians and Asian Americans.

Read more here by Ting Shing Koh

Upper East Side for Black Lives Matter Holds Vigil For Breonna Taylor 


It is just past 7pm and a small crowd gathers in front of a makeshift altar in Carl Schurz Park on the Upper East Side. Men and women silently leave flowers before a large mural that bears the faces of Ahmaud Arbury, Rayshard Brooks, Sandra Bland, and George Floyd—Black Americans who have been murdered by police.

Read more here by Michael Morris

We recall summer 2020, when Asians stood for Black Lives Matter

Asian Americans and the Black Community: How the Model Minority Myth Keeps us Divided


Photo Sam C. Long

Read more here by Cathleen Luo

We must reject all forms of violence and domestic terrorism.


Honeysuckle Media
