How to read to keep your child listening & engaged

Jun 04, 2022 3:27 pm



One of the most common things I hear when speaking to parents is that their kids lose interest when they try to read to them. If you have experienced this, know that you aren't alone! It does not make you a bad homeschooling parent or indicate that your child doesn't know how to listen and concentrate. Be encouraged that with a little tweak here & there, reading can be an enjoyable time for all.

During the foundation phase, your child is still mostly dependent on you to read the content that they need to work through. Many times, there aren't pictures to keep their attention. So how to you get them to listen, stay engaged AND retain what they hear?

Find out more!

Just a reminder that the special on reading and learning apps has been extended until Sunday 5 June! THAT'S TOMORROW!

It is really a fantastic deal and well worth having a look for FREE.

Keep warm and happy homeschooling in rest.

Chat again soon.


C: +27 72 808 5233


