REMINDER: 15 October - Last day to PRE-ORDER My Homeschool Planner and the IMPORTANCE OF VISION

Oct 14, 2022 2:57 pm



Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, 15 October 2022, is the last day to pre-order MY HOMESCHOOL PLANNER and get the 20% discount!! I plan to have it ready by the beginning of November.

Sneak Peek Inside



Besides a guided Vision Casting/Goal Setting section, the planner also includes the following:

  • summarized milestones for the Foundation Phase
  • tips on how to retain balance, self care and homeschool structure
  • monthly planner (undated to allow for flexibility)
  • guided reflection on homeschool highlights, difficulties and future goals


You can get 20% off by pre-ordering your own HOMESCHOOL PLANNER by 15 October 2022.



Here is an interesting VIDEO from Rebecca Spooner, the creator of Gather 'Round Homeschool. It's all about WHEN YOUR KIDS DON'T WANT TO DO SCHOOL. When this happens...and it will...having a vision is fundamental to "getting you passed this stage". Knowing WHY you want to homeschool is so important. Each person's answer will be different but if you don't take time to really think about it, you just get swayed from this side to that. Knowing WHY you homeschool and WHAT you want learning to look like are two crucial elements to homeschooling.

This is one of the main reasons why I have been working on MY HOMESCHOOL PLANNER. It is a tool/guide to help parents get from not knowing how to start or get back into a rhythm again - to being purposeful in their homeschooling and having peace of mind that they are still on track with their own personal homeschooling journey with their children.

It should be ready to go to print by the beginning of November. You can make use of this special pre-order offer of 20% discount now. Offer ends tomorrow, 15 October 2022.


Just to let you know that I will be posting soon about HOW TO HOMESCHOOL THE UNIT STUDY WAY but without using any actual units. Sounds impossible? Not at all!! Be sure to keep an eye open for it as I explain how to homeschool in a natural and interesting way.

Have a blessed weekend.

Warm regards

