Have you wondered about the different learning styles?

Jul 03, 2022 9:39 pm



I just love beautiful learning content and use-friendly teaching material! I am very excited to share with you some of the products that will soon be hosted by HOMESCHOOLING IN REST. These are ideal for the visual and tactile learner, who needs to physically see what something looks like and how it works...or physically stack and move items for a concept to make sense.

Here are just some of the products that will soon be available.





Some children just learn better when they are actively involved with the learning material. There is such value to teaching a child according to how best they learn and what will make sense to them i.e. their dominate learning style. With homeschooling, we can do this. We can adjust how we teach according to our children's learning styles. I have seen this with my own children. They learn in completely different ways. Many times, a child will actually suggest a way they'd like a concept or learning material to be taught and I've seen that if one goes with these prompts, IT ACTUALLY WORKS!

I will do a follow up post about the different learning styles. It is quite a fascinating topic and there is still so much we can learn about it.

NEWS FLASH!! image

Did you see that ABCmouse and Adventure Academy is having a sale until 6 July!! They are offering 8 months free on their annual subscription.

ABCmouse is an award winning reading and numeracy programme for ages 2-8 years and Adventure Academy is a fun online learning game for ages 8-13 years which covers all the main primary school subjects.

Don't miss this this fantastic deal! It is usually $.12.99 per month. Just 3 days left to get it for your children. You can have multiple children registered on one account which is a great PLUS!

You can try it out for free, just make sure you click on the 62% off deal link to get the discount.

Click Here!

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Chat again soon,


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