You're invited to join HippoLogic's Q&A Zoom

Jun 18, 2024 5:51 pm

Greetings ,

Getting an overweight horse in shape is hard! In my previous Masterclass I taught how to create a tailored Training Plan that works. It has a step-by-step process, and I know that when you follow all the steps, there still wil be questions!

Questions derive from Doing

The best questions come from implementing and taking action! Those are the best questions you can ask. Even a little bit of action, will lead you to good questions.

When you're sitting behind a screen (like you're doing right now!), you might wonder where you'll get the time to Exercise Your Horse and Get him Fit?

When you actually go to your horse, your questions might be:

  • How can I get my horse interested in Moving?
  • What can I do to keep my horse from snacking on some grass in the arena?
  • How do I know when I can ask my horse to do more (without coercing him)?


Live Zoom call

If you have questions about Exercising your horse force-free, I'd like to invite you to my free Q&A on Saturday July 26. You can get a free sample of what it's like to be a member of the HippoLogic Clicker Training Academy.

In the HippoLogic Academy members get access to a private Facebook group to upload their training videos and we have weekly Clicker Coaching Calls in which I teach training techniques and members can ask their questions, so they never get stuck for long.

Another reason for this free call is to pay it forward to all the mentors that helped me get where I am now, on my positive reinforcement horse training journey! No one does this alone, we all have had help.

Are you coming?

I hope you do, because I would love to have facetime with you and help you improve your horse's fitness!

What: Live Q&A on Zoom for all your clicker training questions

When: Saturday July 27 at 10 am Pacific

How much? This one is on me, and it's free!

How to join

Register on Zoom. Do this ASAP, because there is a limited amount of spots on Zoom. Our Facebook group Exercising Horses With Clicker Training has 1700 members, so I know it's going to be a full house, and 20 spots are taken fast!

Click the link to reserve your spot!

Please invite a friend (simply forward this message to her).

Happy Horse training! You are the trainer!


