Happy New Year from your Friends at Highland Outdoors 🎉

Jan 06, 2022 7:23 pm



Greetings, friends! We sincerely hope you and yours had a wonderful and relaxing holiday season. Nikki and I are back in the HO corporate office (aka the sunroom) after our holiday travels and are gearing up for what looks to be an exciting and (hopefully) much better year.

We are more stoked than ever to pour our hearts into creating four more outstanding, marvelous, and magnificent issues of Highland Outdoors for your enjoyment. We've got an exciting slate of stories, photos, and other zany things in the hopper, including our first-ever print mag photo contest that will be announced in the upcoming spring 2022 issue.

We'll also be running an exclusive email newsletter dog photo contest that I'll announce in our next installment. So, get your doggos to strike a pose and be ready to send 'em in. After all, who doesn't love a good pup photo?

But first, let's get back to business...


Save 20% on all merchandise!

That's right, our first sale is on to kick off the new year. Use code NATHANIEL20 at checkout to save 20% off your total merchandise order. Why NATHANIEL20? Because at 2,739 feet, Nathaniel Mountain, located in Hampshire County, is the twentieth-highest peak in West Virginia, of course!

Given that our first consistent period of cold, wintry weather is forecasted for the next few weeks, I'd recommend ordering yourself one of our Bodacious Beanies to keep your dome warm.


Shop All Merch Here


A special YUUUGE thanks to our recent subscribers!

Our appeal to our readers must have worked, because we recorded our biggest boom of subscribers over the holiday season. A whopping 65 people subscribed for themselves or purchased a gift subscription for a lucky friend or family member. Nikki and I couldn't be more thankful, and have most definitely been feeling the love and support throughout the holidays. We send our heartfelt thanks to all subscribers - new and old. If you're not a subscriber just yet and would like to help us make Highland Outdoors a sustainable publication, please consider joining our 215 subscribers to support independent adventure journalism!

Subscribe Here


Have you seen this yet?

I decided to take a prolonged digital publishing break over the holidays, opting to spend more time with friends and family and less time on screens. This, unfortunately, meant that we didn't get any new articles up on the website until today. But don't fret, because we're back at it and today's post is about some big news. As you may have already read in the winter issue, West Virginia is now home to three International Dark Sky Parks. As an amateur astronomy nerd who's also in love with astrophotography, I think this is an important feather in West Virginia's cosmic cap.


Under the Milky Way: West Virginia's First Dark Sky Parks


Stay tuned for our next installment, hitting your inbox around late January. Hopefully we'll have a deep snowpack by then!

Enjoy, and thanks for reading #westvirginiasoutdoormagazine!

Dylan Jones


