Happy Halloween from the Spooky Team at Highland Outdoors 👻

Nov 01, 2021 2:43 am



Happy Halloween!

In terms of fun, revelry, and straight up weirdness, holidays don't get any better than Halloween. We've been granted the meteorological gift of cool, foggy, and spooky weather across much of the Mountain State.

Halloween is even better when you head out on an adventure in costume. The fourth edition of the Witches and Warlocks Paddle took place on the mist-shrouded banks of the New River on October 31, and participants really embraced the crafty theme.

The paddle started out as an unofficial gathering of the New River Gorge's tight-knit standup paddleboard community. This year, it was officially hosted by the Historic Fayetteville CVB.

Enjoy these witchtastic photos from Meghan Fisher, a frequent contributor to the mag and owner of Mountain Surf Paddle Sports in Fayetteville.





November begins tomorrow, which means two very important things:

1) The turning back of the clocks is nigh, meaning the shoulder season, or as a friend calls it, Neil Young season, is on the way. It's time to withdraw indoors, layer on the wool, and listen to melancholy folk music.

2) Winter - aka ski season - is just behind! Some meteorological models are calling for a potential of nearly 30 (!!!) inches of snow in the WV highlands between 11/3 and 11/15. Will this happen? Probably not, but the sheer possibility of schussing through a spruce forest has us giddy with excitement.


Fall adventure travels photo winner


Congrats to Tara Morris, who sent in these photos of some beautiful fall mountain biking in Tucker County. She will receive our world-famous sticker pack for her heroic efforts. Get your own sticker pack and more at the Highland Outstores!

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Yes, this is an appeal. We need your support to continue making Highland Outdoors in the years to come. Supply chain issues and inflation are real. We are incredibly grateful for our advertisers, but they alone can't keep us afloat in the long-term. If you love the mag and want it to continue, please consider joining our 133 subscribers (thank you!) to get each issue delivered right to your door - and to continue reading it in the future.

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Our 2022 Media Kit is now available!

Speaking of advertising, we are thrilled to release our 2022 Highland Outdoors Media Kit for those interested in advertising in our print magazine or on our website. Not only is advertising an effective way to reach our loyal audience of readers in and around West Virginia, it's also a fantastic way to support the magazine. If you or someone you know might be interested in advertising, please reply directly to this email and I'll send you our media kit. A huge thank-you to our past, present, and future advertisers!



Have you seen these yet?


WV Natural Areas Program Designates First Sites in Canaan Valley

Encompassing a combined 2,200 acres, the Bald Knob and Canaan Valley Wetland natural areas were selected for their concentrations of globally rare plants and animals, and distinct natural features.


A Whisper in the Forest

Most people associate aspen trees with the higher-elevation climes of the West, but we are fortunate to have two species of aspens here in the Mountain State.


Stay tuned for our next installment, which will (hopefully) include photos of the first ski of the 2021-2022 season.

Enjoy, and thanks for reading #westvirginiasoutdoormagazine!

Dylan Jones


