Last week to submit for the Highland Outdoors Photo Contest 📸

Jul 23, 2021 6:23 pm



Don't wait... act now... ending soon... You've heard all these tired sales tropes before. But this time, it's for real. That's right, there's only one more week to submit your entries for the inaugural Highland Outdoors photo contest. And while we're not selling anything (except our sweet merch), you should be selling yourself and your top-notch photography skills. So set yourself up for success and take a proactive step to avoid the inevitable PHOMO (photography omission & missing out) by sending in your entry on or before August 1, 2021 (that's next Sunday🤓 ).

They say the best camera is the one you have on you, so for those of you who are hesitant to send in your smartphone photos, hesitate no more! Send them my way and I will gladly enter them into the fray.

For our new signups (welcome!), those who missed the last newsletter, or folks with a short attention span, here's the nitty gritty.

This initial contest is open only to our newsletter subscribers. This means that if someone you know might want to submit an entry, they'll have to subscribe to our newsletter prior to submitting their photos. Which, let's be honest, isn't that horrible of an ask, eh?

Each entrant is limited to two entries. There are three categories: landscape, wildlife, and adventure. The landscape category is pretty self-explanatory: send us your most fantastical photos showing off West Virginia's spectacular beauty. There are only two rules here: locations must be in West Virginia, and there can't be any people in your images (animals are OK but photos with a wild animal as the main subject should be submitted under the wildlife category).

The wildlife category is for, you guessed it, photos of our amazing flora and fauna. Plants, bugs, and bears - it doesn't matter. If it's wild and it's living, it's fair game for your submission! Please don't send photos of domesticated animals or wild animals feeding at manmade food sources. And just like the landscape category, no humans!

So, what about us crazy hominids that like to do radical activities in the great outdoors? We're certainly worthy of being in photos, right? Cue the adventure category! This is for any photo that shows human-powered adventure. Whether it's a high-speed capture of a skier or biker, a photo of an angler casting in an idyllic mountain stream, or of adventurous souls being dwarfed by our big landscapes, we want to see it!

How to submit

Please submit all entries directly to me via email: Please send our entry as a JPEG file. This will be a purely digital contest with the winners announced and published in a future edition of this newsletter, so please send photos sized for web use (close to but no larger than 1600px horizontal and 1000px vertical preferred). If you don't have a small version of the photo, that's OK - just send it to me attached as a Google Drive or Dropbox link and I can shrink it down if it's a winner. All entries must be submitted by August 1, 2021.

You are allowed to submit one photo per category for a total of three photos. Please do not submit multiple photos for a single entry. I know this is tough, but I promise you'll enjoy scouring your collection and choosing your top photo!

Winner winner, chicken dinner!

No, the overall winner won't get a chicken dinner. But they will get a one-year subscription to the print magazine, our radical Floral Laurel t-shirt, and a sticker pack! The winner of each category gets their choice of a one-year subscription to the print mag or a t-shirt. The runner-up in each category gets our custom sticker pack. All winners and runners-up will be announced and published in a future edition of the newsletter as well as in a special feature article on our website!


Help us hit 100 subscribers

We are currently at 98 subscribers (thanks, folks!) and are SO CLOSE to our goal of 100. That means we only need two of you fine folks to pull the trigger on that subscription you've been subconsciously dreaming about. Big thanks in advance to those who sign up to support independent adventure journalism!

Subscribe Here


Have you seen these yet?

imageSlip and Slide World Record Slips and Slides into Canaan Valley

In a strange stroke of serendipitous fortune, the forces of a global beer company, two thousand feet of plastic, and a stream of soapy water converged on Canaan Valley.

imageFlyin' Lion: Climbing Seneca's Hardest Route

In 2018, Fayetteville-based climbing legend Matt Fanning established Flyin' Lion, the hardest rock climbing route at Seneca Rocks. Read about his journey.

imageBack on Top: GRUSK Returns to Spruce Knob

After a year off during the pandemic, the Gravel Race up Spruce Knob (GRUSK) triumphantly returned to the summit of the state's highest peak. We were proud sponsors of this event and get our arses handed to us on the 50-mile race course.


Stay tuned for our next installment featuring the winners of the photo contest, coming straight to your inbox on August 2!

Enjoy, and thanks for reading #westvirginiasoutdoormagazine!

Dylan Jones

