May the fourth be with you 🌌🚀
May 04, 2022 8:36 pm
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Happy Star Wars Day...
In case you weren't aware, May 4 is Star Wars Day. Why? Well, look to a groaningly wonderful pun to help explain: May the Fourth be with you!
You might be asking yourself, "Why is Dylan starting off an email newsletter for an independent outdoor magazine with a punny reference to films from long ago in a galaxy far, far away?"
Well, because I never miss a chance to include a good pun -- especially when it's the basis of a global cinematic holiday. Plus, as Nikki once wrote, it doesn't get more outdoors than outer space. But alas, I digress...
...and happy spring paddling season!
This past weekend, Nikki and I were fortunate to join a flotilla of friends on the Smokehole Canyon. Here, the South Branch of the Potomac River cuts a remote course through rugged forest and towering limestone cliffs. A group of dedicated folks has been taking this annual pilgrimage for almost 30 years, and we were honored and privileged to join the ranks of this multigenerational crew. Morels, trout, and ramps all made their way into our bellies while the sights, sounds, and scents of spring made their way into our hearts (and faces).
Unfortunately, the river was well below the recommended level, and Nikki and I got to partake in the numerous joys of low-water paddling in a big raft. From getting hung up on rocks, having to get out in rapids and slip on those rocks, dragging the boat across small rocks, and being bounced offline in larger rapids by hidden rocks, well... you get the (lack of) drift. Fortunately, our paddling rapport is strong and we work well as a team. Although we got heckled by canoeists who cruised effortlessly by, we avoided the dreaded "divorce boat" effect.
If you've got a canoe and some whitewater canoeing skills, I highly suggest giving the Smokehole a try when the water is at a reasonable level. For more info on the gem of a resrouce that is the Shokehole, check out this great article from our 2021 spring magazine written by our great friend John Garder. Enjoy these photos from our trip!
One of many idyllic farms that look as though they haven't changed in 200 years.
Team HO in full Smokehole form on our big green boat, The Booger.
The stunning view from the top of Blue Rock, a 1,000-foot limestone fin.
Regional photographer Martin Radigan doing his thang.
Smokehole brekky of hand-caught trout, hand-picked morels, and hand-picked ramps; hand-cooked and hand-served on a hand-flipped canoe.
Paddler extraordinaire and Highland Outdoors contributor John Garder taking it all in from his leaky canoe, Ye Olde Faithful.
Some of our crew passing the last major rock formation on the South Branch Potomac before entering the flatlands near Petersburg, WV.
May I have your brief attention?
No, that is not another bad May-themed pun. It is, however, a call for brief-worthy news! While we usually have our fingers on the pulse of the WV outdoor world, sometimes we just can't keep track of everything. As such, we are looking for news-worthy stories, events, or general goings-on for the Briefs section of our upcoming summer magazine. If you have any ideas, please reply directly to this email and let me know! This magazine truly is a community effort, and crowd-sourcing can be a wonderful way to make things happen. Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge!
Join us at the Cheat River Festival!
After a heartbreaking two-year hiatus, the legendary event endearingly known as Cheat Fest is back on! This event also marks the start of the spring paddling season. Be sure to check out our recent article below on the legendary Massacre-Ence downriver race. We are mega-proud to be presenting sponsors of the Cheat Fest VIP party this year and hereby request that you join us at the festival on Saturday. We'll have our full Highland Outdoors vendor booth set up with mags, merch, stickers, and lots of love to throw your way. Although the weather looks classically gnarly, you know what they say: ain't no river without the rain! So come on down, say hi, and have yourself a time! For more info on the festival, music lineup, art market, and tickets, check out
Spring into a print subscription!
You know the drill. If you've been waiting to pull the trigger on a subscription, now is the time! Subscribing is the best way to support Highland Outdoors. If you love the mag and want it to continue, please consider joining our 260+ subscribers (thank you!) to get each issue delivered right to your door - and to continue reading it in the future.
Have you seen these yet?
Massacre-Ence: A Race for the Masses
This legendary event is (unofficially) the largest mass-start downriver race in the country. Big thanks to our good friend regional journalista Jess Daddio for this one. Read on to find out about broken paddles, busted teeth, and gnarly swims!
Highland Profiles: Maura Kistler
I've been wanting to write something about Maura Kistler for quite some time, and I am thrilled to finally share the story and indefatigable stoke of this amazing human. Maura is a living West Virginia legend, and we are so lucky to have her in our state.
Stay tuned for our next installment, hitting your inbox in late May after we submit the summer mag to the printing press and reveal the new cover shot 😏
Enjoy, and thanks for reading #westvirginiasoutdoormagazine!
Dylan Jones