Shirts, hats, and stickers... oh my! Official merch is here 🥳
Apr 26, 2021 9:07 pm
Official Merch Is Here!
Are you ready for breaking fashion news? We sure are! I'm thrilled to announce the debut line of our official Highland Outdoors merchandise. Much to my dismay, this press release wasn't picked up by Vogue or GQ, but what do those stuffy fashionistas really know, anyhow? If you're looking for haute couture, you've come to the wrong place. But if you're in the market for fresh t-shirts, hoodies, hats, and beanies, we've got 'em in spades (and in stock)!
All these items and more are available for preorder at the Highland Outstores, so if you're looking to rock some fresh items and sport the brand, click the buttons below to scope our goods.
Don't forget to subscribe to the print mag!
Join our 56 subscribers (thanks, folks, you know who you are!) and get our print magazine delivered straight to your door. Sign up now and get our summer issue in early June!
Have you seen these yet?
Reaching New Heights: The Hardest Climbing Route in the East
In November 2020, professional rock climber Jonathan Siegrist established the hardest climbing route east of Colorado right here in the New River Gorge region.
Networking in the Forest: Mountain State Mushrooms
Join the little-known-yet-curious botanist Evan Vulpez on a stroll through the networks that connect human, forest, and fungi.
Stay tuned for our next installment, coming straight to your inbox in mid-May. Happy paddling season, everybody!
Enjoy, and thanks for reading #westvirginiasoutdoormagazine!
Dylan Jones