[HCH] Confessions of a Pastor's Wife, Missionary & Preacher's Kid

Dec 23, 2021 7:46 pm

Good morning,

This will be my last email of the year. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please enjoy each moment with your family and make some special memories.

I just finished with my 12th Christmas Gift giveaway yesterday, which was my biggest giveaway. Check that post out here:

Christmas Gift #12 - by Rhonda White - Create with Me (substack.com)

Today's devotional post on HCH blog is a guest post by Tricia Crabtree. I think she has some great words of advice to hear, but might be a tough pill for some to swallow as well.


"Confessions of a Pastor's Wife, Missionary and a Preacher's Kid": READ or LISTEN here:

