[HCH] Bookmark or Print New Bible Reading Planner 2021

Jan 01, 2021 4:45 am


The new Bible reading planner is ready to roll! (At least January and February are done!)

  • IF You're NEW to Bible Reading Daily

Please try building a simple habit first. Try just reading the few verses of Psalms and Proverbs each day. Make it a priority, until it becomes an automatic habit.

  • IF You're a Bible reader, but looking to increase reading

Please try reading a New Testament chapter daily, and some Psalms and Proverbs.

  • IF You're an established Bible reader, then please try to accomplish all four sections daily.

Please try to cross off as much as possible on the schedule.

How to NOT Quit...

The point is to simply read your Bible daily. Don't get caught up in tossing out the whole project just because you missed a few days. So many people quit after the first month. Would it not be better just to find what's scheduled for the day and jump back in rather than quitting? ABSOLUTELY!

So, I challenge you to just cross off what you can....and keep going!

Like I said, January and February calendars are done. You DON'T need to print out the schedule, you can simply bookmark the page and use that.

BUT... I added some more FUN printable pages in there that you might be interested in using, so PLEASE do take a PEEK!

Well, finally here is the link below:


Also, looking for feedback... is there a type of planner page you'd like to see in the near future? I won't be able to accomplish all suggestions, but I will certainly take them into consideration.

Happy New Year!

Rhonda White, herChristianhome.com
