[HCH] This Week's Devotional & Thank You Gift

Mar 11, 2021 8:21 pm

Good morning lovely ladies,

Today's weather looks a little gloomy, but this is the day that the Lord hath made! I'm gladly rejoicing to see another day. So grateful for my morning coffee since last night's rest wasn't the best. Um....let's just say my hubby snores some nights more than others. Ha! ha!

Okay, on to introducing this week's devotional and your gift below...

Have you ever accidently gone through a red light or stop sign? It was right in front of you, but somehow you absent-mindedly bypassed it without taking notice.

Maybe this hasn’t happened to you, but I admit that I’ve done it before. Thank GOD for His protective measures at that time. I imagine that I’m a real challenge for Him at times. Haha!

Stop lights and stop signs are critical warning signs. Yet, it’s so easy for us to miss important factors in life. Today, I’m sharing an amazing event that drifted by the disciples without much consideration.

Jesus and his disciples left on a ship to go into a desert place. The Bible shares that people from all the surrounding cities saw them passing and ran by foot to follow Jesus. (Verses 32 and 33.)

Continue reading or listen > https://herchristianhome.com/take-a-closer-look-at-that-bread/


Here's a THANK YOU gift for allowing me to share my weekly devotions with you... Grocery List and Weekly menu planner (2 pages)


This week's journal jots:

Seven Journaling Jots to Inspire You #Week 3 - Create with Me (substack.com)

Keep Walking in FAITH,

Rhonda White

~ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I Corinthians 16:23 KJV
