How Self Reliant are you? ๐Ÿ“๐ŸŒฟ๐Ÿก

Oct 23, 2022 7:42 pm



We skipped our monthly update as we were at Solar Punk Festival sharing our passion for building with Natural Building with Hemp as well our excitement for the Texas Haven Earth Campus - which is literally in Kingsbury where the event was held (and the accommodations for our upcoming hemp builder workshop)! The location of Son's River Ranch adjacent to our property is one of the assets we are considering as we build our hub here and forming partnerships with local folks is a big part of our vision.


The series of synchronistic events lining up for us to be here in Kingsbury continues to amaze us. We literally just moved our Haven Earth HQ just 2 miles down the road right to start officially building out of the Haven Earth Trade School - and we are kicking it off with our first Hemp Build workshop November 27th - December 10th with a special "Return to the Land event on the last day featuring special guests:

John & Rebecca Bush: The Great Financial Reset

Camille & Samantha from Off Grid Hive in Maine: Off-grid Homesteading

Lucinda from Texas Ready: Mittleider Gardening & Seed Saving

Alison from Habitable Spaces: Food Preservation Tips & Techniques

And of course our Haven Earth Hempers & Guests:

Showcasing Hemp Tiny Home & Plaster Demo

It is no coincidence that our entire management team gathered to immerse ourselves in 4 days of community while finalizing the last details of our investment opportunity. It was a great follow-up to last weekend at the Self Reliance Festival in Tennessee with John and Rebecca Bush from LiveFree Academy who are part of our team.


Our ongoing conversations have been around real assets...what we are identifying as Land, Water, Food, Energy, Security, Economy, & Community. Tangible assets to be used to preserve capital, provide income, grow wealth, or hedge against inflation.

This leads us to the topic of Self Resiliency. We are exploring ways to move our assets out of the places and projects that we are not aligned with and into things we believe in and that will simultaneously grow resiliency.

Weโ€™re looking for people that want to be part of our Campus Communities focused on natural building, homesteading and regenerative agriculture โ€“ as a resident, as a member, or even as an investor. Whether you are looking to enhance your living capital, or just be more resilient, please consider becoming one of our Seed Starter Members. Together, we plan to achieve both.


Become A Seed Starter Member

Navigating through today's financial markets can be tricky. Many folks have their whole retirement account tied up with the stock market, or over 50% of their investment portfolio in it. It's important to educate ourselves about what other options exist outside the unstable stock market or even crypto. The economy and financial markets are undergoing a "Great Reset" and itโ€™s going to get uglier before it gets better.

Check out the FREE webinar:

The Great Financial Reset Response with John Bush

and learn about NON-traditional methods of investing that are far more profitable than the stock market. The economy and financial markets are undergoing a "Great Reset" and itโ€™s going to get uglier before it gets better.


Register Here for Free Webinar

If you are interested in learning more about what we are up to but need more information before becoming a Seed Starter Member, reach out to set up a time to talk with our Management Team to see if we are a good fit! Email us at and we will schedule a call.

Look forward to connecting soon!

๏ปฟPaul River Richardson & Imanee Oxum Mamalution

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