What is holding you back from EXITING & BUILDING?

Jun 01, 2023 12:49 am



We are still coming off the buzz from the Exit & Build event last week before heading out to the land in Tennessee tomorrow! If you missed our presentations you can check them out here:


Listen to Imanee share the overview of the Haven Village in Tennessee


Listen to River share his history as a designer and his passion for HEMP

...and last but not least....

We are so grateful for John and Rebecca Bush for putting on such an epic event and helping folks take the necessary steps to exit the system and build a new one. They put together one heck of an offer that will definitely help you to accelerate your Exit and Build Goals called the Exit and Build Accelerator System. It's an immersive workshop series that gives you everything you need to know to exit the city, buy land in the country, and build a real community of supportive freedom lovers.


John and his team took all the common objections holding people back from living their homestead dream, (they don't have the money, don't know where to move to, don't know who to build with) and responded to each one with a live online course aimed at helping you overcome those very obstacles.

Live Free Academy's Exit and Build Accelerator System is a comprehensive program combining LIVE sessions with exclusive trainings from top experts to give you:

The exact A-Z plan anyone can use to move to the country, start a homestead, grow an intentional community, and much more in mere months and how to do it as smoothly as possible (this will give you absolute clarity on your next steps)

- The easiest, simplest, and smartest ways to make A LOT more money as an employee, with a side hustle, or by starting a business (it’s impossible to stay poor anymore if you put this training into action)

- The best “matchmaking opportunity” to form real-world relationships with vetted people who share your interests and values and want to live in communities with you (you’ll never have to complain about “not knowing anyone” ever again)

- Curtis Stone's proven framework used by hundreds of people to find the PERFECT homestead property rapidly in the right location that matches your budget and has the climate, water, vegetation, infrastructure, local culture, and more that you want

- The world’s best strategies on getting things done, accomplishing your goals, and finishing what you start (while staying super motivated) used by top performers and taught by a renowned expert in productivity

- Plus if you get the "Builder" Package, you get to participate in three exclusive Meet the Experts Sessions where you can pick the brains of Geoff Lawton, Curtis Stone, and Joel Salatin.

There are still a few spaces left! Sign-up ends June 2nd!

Click Here To Learn More

To Exiting & Building!

🌱 River & Imanee 🌿


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