Finally! Haven Earth Update! 🌱🌱🌱

Apr 07, 2022 8:06 pm



It's been a while since our last email! We have been going non-stop the past month with the first Haven Earth Hemp Building Certification - which was a HUGE success! Here's our team of Certified Hemp Builders & Hempers!


Many of you have been following along on our Telegram Channel so you have some idea of what I am talking about...I don't even know where to start! Not only did we teach 40 people how to hemp....and certify a group of 15 from all over the country as certified builders... we transformed lives. The biggest takeaway we hear again and again was...

"I thought I signed up for a Hemp Building Course....but it was so much more."


The camaraderie and teamwork as a result of being focused on a shared sense of purpose naturally resulted in a sense of community. Each person felt celebrated for their own unique gifts while contributing to the greater goal. It was clear that even if we aren't living together in community, the connections we weaved will weave together the bigger vision of Haven Earth Hubs around the world. Each person that participated is like a seed bomb going out into the world - spreading the power of hemp to unite us for a greater mission.


Meet our Haven Earth Certified TRAINERS, Bliss & Yndon (left photo) and our youngest Certified BUILDER - Presley who is 14!!! She came with her dad all the way from Canada! (photo on the right - she is hanging to the right of Christina)

Join us tomorrow to hear an official recap of the past few weeks

and some testimonials from those who joined us in Texas and an update about the buildout of the Haven Earth Campus!

Community + Hemp Conversation

Friday, April 8th

10am PST/ 12noon CST/ 1pm EST

The Hemp Building Certification Overview

Next Hemp Building Certification

Scheduled for Fall 2022!


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🌱 Activating the Grid & HemPioneering the New Earth 🌱

Paul River Richardson & Imanee Oxum Mamalution

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