So much to be THANKFUL for 🙌

Dec 15, 2023 4:03 am


Daily Practice of Gratitude

Returning to the Land continues to be a humbling and informative experience for us. We are grateful for the opportunity to steward this sacred land, for the vision and mission that leads the way, and for family and friends joining us on the journey. We have come home. ❤️




Learn More About Our Vision

We were truly destined to manifest a vision bigger than either of us could hold alone and worked tirelessly for over 2 years honing the pathway, strategizing the next moves trusting the right place /land would find us. TRUST is at the core. Trust in a time when everything around us is deconstructing before our eyes. We are building the New Earth every single day over here - literally! Moving clay-filled earth around to shape a new way. This is our time, this is nature's time - the time we've been waiting for to do what we came here to do.


The reality of the nature of reality is never what we might think, but we've been willing to keep showing up, to working through what life has to show us, and choosing over and over Love and Purpose. Now is the time for real change, it just is, there's no mental way to know, only the feeling that we were born for this moment in time, being willing to fully engage and live it with more strength and clarity than our fears have over us.


We are still busy completing the last of our Glamping Tents and 7 Residential Member Yurts so we can be ready to host guests and students for our Spring workshops & events. Our Spring Semester Schedule is already in the works. We will be announcing dates in the New Year and we will be booking reservations soon on our new Haven Village website!


Haven Village Website

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for weekly updates & informative videos

Hemp Hemp Hooray!

🌱 River & Imanee 🌿

