I’m exhausted (but here’s a free sample pack)

Aug 11, 2023 4:51 pm

Happy Summer everyone!

It’s been a few months since I had the chance to email you, so I’ll summarize what happened since then.

  1. I got busy with recording, but distracted from finding new songs to work on.
  2. Traveled a bunch (Hawaii, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London) and wiped myself out.
  3. Got too fancy with taking on side projects and overcommitted (shiny object syndrome is real)
  4. Finally got my head screwed on straight and things are leveling out.

Phew. I’m kind of exhausted just recapping that, but here we are.

As a thank you for being here, I wanted you to be the first to get a sample pack that I’ve been working on. I got the feedback from producers that it can be challenging to find clean organic percussion sounds, and I realized how fun it would be to hit my cello in every way I could think of. So that's exactly what I did.

It quickly spiraled into a pack of bowed, and plucked notes, and a ton of different auxiliary percussion sounds that I think have a real character to them. I've been using this whole pack extensively in my recent work, so I think you're going to enjoy it.

Go ahead and download the pack, and let me know what you think!

Cello Percussion Sample Pack: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1plUTsrisT9ROpTALDUkAWCHGy9alYOVs?usp=sharing

(Also, if you want to share this with anyone just send them a signup link for this email list and they’ll get it right away! https://sendfox.com/harleyeblen)

A Teacher to Us All

Back in March, I got to work on one of the most meaningful songs I’ve ever been asked to be a part of. I wrote about it in an interview I just did with Canvas Rebel, but I wanted to also share the song with you all.

Listen to A Teacher To Us All

Read the Interview

(For the full effect, put on the song and read the interview. You’ll see why this project had me in tears.)

I guess we’re all content creators now

Lately I’ve been trying my hand at making new kinds of videos, with varying degrees of success. Instagram still seems to be the platform that works best for me, but I’m starting to make forays into the world of YouTube. I did a bad job of sharing this, but I think it’s a better breakdown and explanation of the work that I do than I’ve ever been able to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyogpSgaxEc&t=15s

And then for some reason this clip that I completely phoned in went absolutely viral. Who knows: https://www.instagram.com/p/CsXBB_xtrkd/

When it rains…

Because I wasn’t being consistent with my content or communication while I was off galavanting around the world, I instead decided to keep my fingers in my ears and ignore the warning signs that work was slowing down. That left me in July with almost no work at all.

But, as as with anything, when it rains it pours. Now that things are back on track, work seems to be picking up again. I have yet to get hit with the downpour yet, but if you have a song that just won’t stop asking you for strings now is a good time to talk about it. Just hit reply and tell me about what you're working on.

Thank you.

I just wanted to pop in, let you know that I’m still alive, and give you the highlights of the last few months. I appreciate you reading, and as always, feel free to hit reply. I love getting to chat with you about music, life, or whatever’s on your mind.

I hope you’re well, and we’ll talk soon.

