The truth about
Aug 30, 2024 2:54 pm
You signed up for a beta test to help me make a life-changing mental wellness reflection tool. I thank you for that. You're a key piece of making this tool help millions of people.
This is why I built we need more reflection in our lives
we live in a world of scrolling and swiping, and i know we can't change that.
some people suggest getting rid of our smartphones but I think that's just not realistic.
Plus, our smartphones are really useful. And also swiping and scrolling sometimes leads to learning new things. I know I've learned a lot on tiktok .. so there is good in our phone usage ... but there is also bad.
And i think the bad gets better when you switch your brain away from autopilot to active reflection. when you really think about what's going on in your life.
That's what I want to do with
I want to provide a little space for you to reflect every day. You should have space to think about what's happening to you, and be an active decider, not a passive participant in your own life.
Journaling is a great way to do this, but it can be overwhelming in it's own way. I don't want to replace journaling - but create something that is simpler but gives a lot of the same benefits. If you love journaling, you'll love habit insights.
Anyway .. I am hard at work on creating a new version of the site for you to test. What do you think?