Can you find me?

Sep 15, 2021 7:14 pm


You might be wondering where I've been recently.

"Why haven't you been posting YouTube videos?!?!?"... I can hear the masses saying (in my dreams! 🤪)

Well, here's a quick rundown of my past month:

  1. On Sunday, an Italian film crew came to my house and filmed my wife and me for a documentary titled tentatively The Hijacker. I helped the production team find a key person to the story (link to the movie's hero above). More to come on that note!
  2. I'm taking an 8-week YouTube Creator's class offered by Video Labs to make better videos for you all!
  3. This is the busiest Gravitas Investigations has ever been. My phone won't stop ringing! (figuratively speaking - my phone is on vibrate)
  4. And, I've mentioned this before, but I have three-month-old = minimal sleep. "Yes, turn the page, Adam. We know, we know. You don't get any sleep!"

So, that's been my life these days 🥵.

Stay awesome,


p.s. special thanks to all that submitted video ideas. I wish I could give you all a $10 gift card, but that honor goes to Jill T. whose idea on why social media canvassing is the unsung investigative tactic on the market wins!
