Intent and how to use it
Mar 07, 2025 12:36 pm
Hi ,
Outside of awareness that I spoke a little bit about last week, intent is the 2nd greatest super power (and more tangible) that you posses.
According to dictionary, it means giving all your attention to something.
How many times per day, or week, do you give your full undivided attention to something or someone? How often are you intentional about what you do or think about?
Do you even know what that means? Being intentional?
Well, it means putting your thoughts, judgments and reason aside for a while, and solely focusing on something with your conscious mind, be it a person, action or thought form.
An example would be, consciously making a decision to go and run or do workout, even when every fiber of your being doesn't want to.
When you are tired, sore or not in a mood, that is when it counts. That is exactly when you use intent to override all the negative thoughts, feelings or emotions that are taking you in the opposite direction from where you want go.
(Note that conscious is a big word here, because if you feel motivated for a run, you will do it anyways - or maybe you simply intended to run that morning and now its action time)
Intent for that matter can be used with any action that you do, but we often forget or just don't think about it.
Lets say you are cooking a Sunday meal for your loved ones, maybe by default you love to cook and then you automatically intend to put extra love in every slice that you make. But what if cooking is a chore and its just your turn to cook today?
Do you think the meal will end up better if you complain about having to cook and think about all the cleaning you have to do after, or if you consciously intend to put love and effort in every action you do while you are cooking?
If you are not sure, try it. And once you do, try to scale it. Scale it from one small action, such as drinking a cup of water with intent to nourish and hydrate your body, to an intent of how you want your whole day to be.
If you wake up in the morning, and your first action before picking up a phone is to take a deep conscious breath and intend to have a day filled with love, gratitude and opportunity, what do you think your day will look like?
At this moment, you are signaling your mind, particularly subconscious mind, that this is what you want today. Tony Robbins calls this process priming.
And trust me when I say it, your mind will interrupt your old patterns of thought and behavior during the day if they don't align with the intent that you set out for yourself in the morning - because you primed for it.
It will bring you the information and insights that support what you intended to do, push you in that direction and and create opportunities for your desired outcome.
Fun fact: you are already doing this, its just unconscious and happens automatically. So if you don't feel great about yourself or something in your life, it is because you primed yourself for it to the point where it became your 2nd nature.
I know it might sound far fetched sometimes, just thinking intentionally and then expecting your life to change.
But isn't everything in our life just the question of perception?
How do we see things that happens to us?
How do we see ourselves and actions we do?
If we intend to do them from a place of love, compassion and trust, compared to judgment, dismissal or even hate, would that not change how the reality looks like?
If you want to push this concept further and use it in your work, make a habit of taking small breaks when you are not sure what the next step is. Have an intent to become inspired, to have a right course of action come to you, and then sit in meditation or silence for just few a minute or two. Observe your thoughts and keep your intent in the background. If you allow space between your noisy thoughts, the correct action will simply arise among them. And if you are in the state of meditation, you will catch it.
This is what I just did after trying to brainstorm what I should write about today. When the time came, I just put the intent out there, and the topic presented itself to me.
I often tell people that wanting to change and transform is 50% intent, and 50% everything else.
If you intended to not change or improve your life, there is nothing that I can say or do that will change that. Excuses are plenty...
However if your intent is to change, next step is simply looking out for the opportunities to do so. Looking for knowledge or people that can get you to a new you.
But don't take my word for it, go and try it out.
What is your intention for the weekend?
Happy Friday,