Self development, transformation, mindfulness and other buzz words

Feb 05, 2025 6:55 pm

Hi ,

When I started this journey not too many years ago, one of the first blocks that I encountered was actually the abundance of information on every possible topic I could think of. To make matters worse, the information was on both sides of the spectrum.

How does one possibly even start to change or do anything if the world itself cannot figure out good from bad, truth from lies? Why would we spend time trying something new if there are experts on the topic out there saying that it doesn't work? Who do I follow? What's the truth? How can I get to the bottom of this...?

Maybe this is all there is to life, maybe the silent suffering isn't too bad...?

or maybe...

Its time to wake up. Wake up...WAKE UP  

Are you still here? Sitting in front of the screen, bills paid for today, roof over your head and belly full? Both arms and legs attached? Not a bad start.

Deep breath in (follow it)...and out. 

Another deep breath in and hold at the top...hold....hold...and out with a sighhhh.

Welcome to presence, especially if its your first time.

Before you start to think about what you just read, or how it felt, or the sensations it brought up in your body and mind, know that this present moment is exactly who you are.

And everything that you are starting to analyze and create stories about right about now, is everything that you are not.

A bit confusing. I know, but bear with me. 

The voice in your head questioning these statements, the ego telling you that surely you know more about life than this random guy on the internet. The victim in you telling you that I cannot possible know what you have been through - are they all up in arms already?

If yes, we got them exactly where we want them, if not, give them time till after you are finished reading.

By recognizing that all of these voices and stories are not you, you are making first strides into taking back control over your life. 

Regardless of how old you are, or what you have been through, I bet that if you look back now, you would feel that the life has been living you, instead of the other way around. How right am I on the scale from 1-5?

Here is the thing, every time you get excited about something, or wish you could do it, but you stop and choke, that is life living you. Its the patterns you picked up since you were born till now. You inherited them from your parents, from school, from people around you and society at large. In fact you picked up so many of them and reinforced them so many times that you now identify with most - they are part of your identity. 

But this is not you.

You are more than the patterns, more than the voices reiterating same old stories for decades, more than the victim and more than you ever thought you could be.

And if you are still reading this, what you are is what brought you here. Its the 6th sense that is tingling now and in some strange way resonating with all of this.

So once again, welcome to yourself, this will be a wild ride.


Now that I got done speaking to part of you that wants to come out (your intuitive side), I will also speak to your mind. 

We are products of our environment on a much larger scale than what we are aware of.

Everything from our upbringing, people around us, our parents and families, our work and friends, all of it played a role in shaping who we are and how we see the world.

And because we learned to look for our answers and validations externally, we disconnected ourselves from our essence, soul, spirit - whatever you want to call it. 

And if you are reading this, it is because your essence is trying to come out and help you become who you were always meant to be. You are already doing your best but you keep hitting blocks because your mind has been conditioned to question and analyze everything you come across.

And not only that, it is trying to figure out a way out from the current state by doing exactly the same things that brought it here. It is a never

ending cycle and one that you cannot think your way out of. 

So now to go back to the title of this thread - Self development, transformation...

It is exactly how it sounds, just not in the way you thought about it before.

Because if you are not the thoughts in your head, and you are not your mind, then what are you?

This is where the transformation and development come in. It is the fundamental paradigm shift of how you see yourself and how you live your life. But this time it is not about adding more to it, learning more or working more, its about shedding all of what no longer serves you. Namely patterns of behavior, thought and emotion, limiting beliefs, roles that you play in life and give you power away to and more...

Step one of this journey is mindfulness or meditation. In order for your essence to come out, you need to give it space.

Space from thoughts and actions, space filled with intention of wanting to know who you really are, and allowing it to come out. 

Imagine that you are a character in a movie, and here I come to poke you on your shoulder, you snap out of it and realize that you are watching a movie in a cinema. 

You suddenly realize that you got lost in the movie, you identified yourself with it. This is exactly what has happened to all of us. As we allow the movie (our mind) to slow down and remove the identification with it, our true essence starts to emerge. You start to see the patterns that are causing you to do same old repetitive things, to think same old thoughts and to continue engaging in the same old behaviors. 

I don't know about you, but I would really like to know who you truly are.

What makes you tick?

What is that one thing that you always wanted to do as a child, but never got around to doing it?

How does the rest of your life look like if you get to choose all of it?

For some of you this will be a big one to swallow, but if you got to end of this, it means it is for you. 

I love you and you got this!

P.S. If you would like to learn more and commit to making meaningful change, you can book a free exploration call for my 22 day program here:

