🦷 The Orthodontic Trilogy
Aug 02, 2022 2:21 pm
The Gillespie Approach Newsletter
August 2, 2022
Orthodontics and the Gillespie Approach
We need to think about orthodontics differently. In the 1930s my dad was one of the first orthodontists in Connecticut. He had trouble establishing a practice because no one knew what orthodontics was. He told people that he straightened childrens’ teeth.
I view orthodontics as part of the craniosacral fascial system. The following post is from a parent showing the possibilities of the Gillespie Approach:
“We have successfully expanded our eight-year-old son’s mouth with weekly Gillespie Approach treatments. The therapist worked on his body and jaws each week, and individual teeth on alternating weeks. We saw measurable results in the first 4-6 weeks.
Orthodontic Care in My Perfect World
I posted an essay about orthodontics on June 6, 2022 that unexpectedly became one of my most read posts. A parent related that a therapist, both unknown to me, was successfully widening their child's palate with just the Gillespie Approach—amazing.
We need to understand that one case does not make a scientific proof. It worked for this child but will it work for your child? We do not know.
If I had a grandson in need of orthodontic care, this is what I would do:
My first step would be to find an orthodontist who is compatible with brain motion and fascial strain. Then I would have a complete head, neck, and airway workup and baseline measurements taken across his palate.
Science, Orthodontics, and the Gillespie Approach
This essay continues my hypothesis connecting science, orthodontic care, and the Gillespie Approach.
All 52 tooth bud cells are present during the embryonic stage of development. The baby teeth start forming at six weeks and the adult teeth at four months. As fascial strain patterns develop in the growing fetus, all of the teeth can be in play, possibly creating a future malocclusion.
The bones of the head and face are formed from softer intramembraneous tissue, which allows for malleability as the head passes through the birth canal. Since a newborn’s skull has the consistency of a milk carton, the Gillespie Approach can restore normal cranial symmetry and function more easily when the full body fascial strains are worked out at birth.
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