May 16 General Membership Meeting and Double Pay Status
May 06, 2022 7:36 am
Happy Friday !
GFT General Membership Meeting
Monday, May 16, 2022, 6pm at the GFT office
This event is open to all members for status updates, Q&A sessions, and deciding future actions on behalf of GFT.
Double Pay Status Update
The decision in the Guam Daily Post was rendered back 2021 and is not new information. Although it says dismissed, it is not, we were granted leave to amend. GFT is still coordinating with the law offices of Razzano, Walsh & Torres, P.C. to ensure that we continue the fight for our GFT members.
No Make Up Days and Service-Learning Exemptions Granted
The Guam Legislature passed Bills 286 and 287 on Friday, April 29, 2022. Bill 286-36 exempts the 180 instructional days, or its equivalence, requirement for students in SY2019-2020 to 2001-2022. Although teachers fulfilled their required amount of days to accommodate cohorts to reduce the strain of having crowded classrooms and hallways, GDOE wanted the passage of this Bill to curtail any possible lawsuits. Bill 287-36 exempts students who are currently Juniors and Seniors from completing their service-learning requirements. Bill 287 noted that the pandemic did not allow students to participate physically in these service activities. The Bills currently await action by Governor Lou Leon Guerrero.