As a result of GFT and GDOE meetings regarding nursing concerns, Lieutenant Governor Tenorio and the Department of Health and Human Services Leadership discussed the follow changes regarding GDOE School Health Counselors who are nine month employees:...
GFT is pleased to announce that in conjunction with AFT, First Book, and the BookWaves Coalition, more than 40,000 free books will be distributed to students and children in Guam. The official announcement was made during a press conference Thursday...
The Pizza Hut BOOK-IT! program motivates children to ready by rewarding their reading accomplishments with praise, recognition and pizza! The packets are now available for elementary teachers aft the GFT office in Mangilao. Packets will be distribute...
GFT would like to thank the Chinese American Fraternal Organization, C100 and the American Federation of Teachers for donating PPE to healthcare workers on Guam. C100 donated 400 n95 masks for healthcare professionals and were distributed by GFT to m...
GFT’s Committee on Political Education (COPE) is working to keep members and voters educated for the upcoming election. COPE sent out a questionnaire to candidates running for the Guam Education Board with issues relevant to our members. You can find...
GFT’s COPE Committee (Committee on Political Education) is dedicated to ensuring members are updated and educated when it comes to elections. The Progressive Democrats of Guam (PDG) submitted a 6-question survey to all Senatorial candidates on Octobe...
GDOE has decided to let school communities vote on schedules for high schools during virtual instruction. Teachers should have received a survey this week via their GDOE email. If you did not receive one, please contact your leadership team.
Distance learning is new to educators and students. Things in K-12 are done differently now and that can lead to unintentional violations of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. Be sure you are aware of FERPA in order to avoid a violation. Av...
On Tuesday, October 6, Attorneys of Razzano, Walsh, and Torres, P.C. filed a lawsuit on behalf of Government of Guam employees who did not receive double pay during the emergency period. The press release on the lawsuit can be found here.
Beginning Monday, October 5, the GFT staff will be back in the office at 25% capacity. Should any member or prospective member need assistance, please call the office at 735-4390 to schedule an appointment. Entry into the building is only permitted i...