πŸ’‘In case you missed our free workshop details, here they are again 😊

Nov 26, 2020 8:15 am

πŸŒ₯️ Welcome to your new beginning, !! πŸ™Œ

πŸ’“ How have you been since our crazy FeastCon weekend?? I hope that it has indeed marked a new beginning for you and that life has become brighter in many ways after receiving all that Christian inspiration and energy!

As for me, I still can't get over having all 3,000 of you in my class and most of you even getting a copy of my slides so you could use it for your own business and organization. I take that as an affirmation that our class is something that you would want to not just attend, but apply in real life-- and that's what will make ALL the difference. πŸ‘Œ

😊 I'm so excited for how you'll use what you've learned to grow your business and other passion projects using a properly designed digitized sales process!

If you're planning to apply it to your business, then hello there, fellow entrepreneur! πŸ‘‹

It's the spirit of brave and bold micro-entrepreneurs like you that fuel our economy and keep our families alive come whatever crisis! πŸ”₯

A lot of my clients and friends who are first time entrepreneurs ask me-- How do I know if my business will last for 7 months or 7 years more? I have a lot of orders right now, do you think I can sustain this?

⏳ Well, the truth is, only time will tell.

BUT! There are practical indicators and activities that you can do to properly assess your current business scenario and propel its growth, specially through the now very easily available digital marketing tools.

And, that's what I'm here to help you do!

So, save the details of our upcoming online workshop on your calendar and be sure to press this "Confirm Subscription" button below so that you can receive a copy of the worksheet right after our webinar, plus other important updates! πŸ‘‡

Confirm Subscription

Topic: Small Business Assessment and Acceleration Workshop

Time: Nov 28, 2020 07:30 PM Hong Kong SAR

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 952 9719 2302

Passcode: 2020

Add this to my Calendar


And for those of you who run or lead a ministry, then I also have something for you!! πŸ’

⚑ If we are living in this day and age when information can be shared at the speed of a click, then this should be the most exciting and powerful time to share about the most beautiful story of all time-- the story of God's saving Grace and reckless Love for each of us! πŸ’ž

As a digital marketing practitioner who has also been serving the Lord for more than a decade now, it has always been the cry of my heart to equip church ministers with the digital tools and tactics that will enable us to bless more people in this generation and the ones to come. πŸ™Œ

And so, I would also want to dedicate a separate session for people like you who have devoted their lives to serving the Lord, always and in all ways!

🎁 And of course, it'll also be for FREE!

Just go online on Friday at 7PM and use these credentials to enter our Zoom meeting room:

Topic: Online Church Ministry Growth Hacks

Time: Nov 27, 2020 07:00 PM Hong Kong SAR

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 988 9175 5183

Passcode: 2020

Add this to my Calendar

See you again over the weekend!

πŸ₯‚ To a smarter and better you,

