Stop Allowing Your Past To Condemn Your Future
Sep 26, 2022 2:01 pm
Stop Allowing Your Past To Condemn Your Future
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Are you letting your past condemn your future? You made a mistake in the past, and you feel ashamed of it, but it's in your past. It still has an effect on you, because when you thought about going out for your dream, but decided not to, because you think about your past which results in you feeling undeserving.
Your past condemns you to the point that you feel like an imposter; whose unworthy of success in your life. If you can relate to what I just said, I want to help you to stop allowing your past to condemn your future, so you can find the confidence within to pursue your dream.
Months ago I was in the store and I saw a guy I normally see working out at the gym. I approached him and said, "I always see you early in the morning and I always wondered what you do for a living".
He responded, "I'm Tim, and I see you constantly working out as well, and I work for a distribution company. It's nothing special, but it pays the bills. So what do you do?"
"My name is Gene, and I'm actually an Author and Motivational Speaker. I've been building a business that aligns with my passion and skill set." "Man, I've always wanted to start my own business. I've been thinking about it for the last 5 years, but I haven't acted on it because I feel like an imposter because of issues from my past".
I asked, "If you don't mind me asking, what happened in your past that is causing you to feel like an imposter when it pertains to pursuing your dream?" He said, "I can tell that you won't judge me, so I will tell you. The reason I feel like an imposter is because I'm an ex-con who spent 10 years in prison. I've also tried to kill myself multiple times, and the only reason I haven't is because of my wife. She believes in me, but I can't find belief in myself even though I was able to earn a 4-year college degree."
"Wow! You have a great Superpower!" I said to him as he looked at me confused. "Superpower! Man, what in the world are you talking about?" "I'm talking about your past. It takes a great amount of mental strength to go from ex-con to suicide survivor, to earning a degree, to having a job and still being alive to share all of this with me today. The reason I call it a Superpower is because your story can help so many who are ex-cons. Your story can help so many who are giving up in life and only see suicide as an option. Your story can help so many who feel they don't have what it takes to get an education. Your story is filled with valuable insights and life lessons that make it your Superpower." "Holy Crap Gene! I never thought of it that way."
"Tim, your imposter syndrome is fed by the perspective you have about your past. If you see it as something negative, it will hold you back. But if you see it as something with positive lessons that you can teach to others, it will propel you forward. Your perspective makes all the difference."
"Now, I can see that. You know, Gene, I've also been clean from both alcohol and substance abuse for the last 5 years and I've thought about going into the rehab center that I participated in to tell my story." "Tim, it's time to stop thinking about it and do it because the people in that rehab center need your Superpower; so stop allowing your past to condemn your future." "You know what Gene, I will. This will be my first step towards overcoming my imposter syndrome, so I can start taking action towards my dream. Thanks Gene."
Tim's perspective about his past did to him what many of us allow our past to do to us which is feed our imposter syndrome. His negative perspective was holding him back and that is why his past was condemning his future. I know when I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming a Motivational Speaker and Author, my imposter syndrome held me back. It wasn't until I engaged in the 3 steps I'm about to share with you that allowed me to see my past as my Superpower that would fuel my dream. These 3 steps can also help you overcome your imposter syndrome, so I highly encourage you to try them out.
1) The first step in stopping your past from condemning your future is to forgive yourself for the mistakes you made in your past. This is the only way you can find peace with your past so you can start to feel worthy of success.
2) Take the time out to see how your past can be your Superpower. In other words, how can your experiences be used to benefit others who are going through a similar situation?
3) Take action by finding an organization, group of people, family member or friend who is going through a similar situation and share your valuable insights and life lessons with them. This will give you an opportunity to be a guide for someone else who is trying to find hope in a situation you are familiar with. By building someone else up, you will also be built in return, because your confidence and sense of self-worth will start to grow, and your imposter syndrome will start to evaporate, because you will see how significant your past is for someone else's future.
Imposter Syndrome can result in your past condemning your future. That is why I want to encourage you to use the three steps I shared with you so you can overcome your Imposter Syndrome and start pursuing the dream in your heart, because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!