Will You Take Advantage of Your 1,000 Quarter Moment?

Jan 09, 2023 3:01 pm


It's impossible to achieve a lifestyle you desire without the right mindset.

That's why it's so important that we take advantage of any 1,000 Quarter Moments that are presented in our lives that give us a chance to reform a mindset that can hold us back. What are 1,000 Quarter Moments? Let me explain.


In my college days I had a friend named Dan, and on weekends we would go to his parents' house.

One weekend, while we were there, his father said "Hey guys, come with me to the apartment complexes?" I thought it was strange that we were going to apartments, but I kept my mouth shut, got into the truck, and rode along.

We arrived at a huge apartment complex and his dad gave us some buckets and bags. I had no clue what was going on, so I asked Dan, "What are we supposed to do with these?" Come with me and I’ll show you. We walked to several gumball machines and emptied all the quarters into the bags and buckets.


As we were removing the quarters, I thought to myself, “Are we about to go to jail for taking these quarters?” We emptied several gumball machines until the buckets and bags felt like they weighed 100 lbs. After leaving that apartment complex, we went to four others and did the same thing.

As we were driving back to Dan's house, I wondered if his daddy worked for a gumball company. We arrived at the house, took all the bags and buckets of quarters out of the truck and placed them on their living room floor.

Dan's dad started dumping the quarters on the floor as we sat on the couch and watched. He went into his room and came back with hundreds of money rolls that held $25 worth of quarters each.


We spent a few hours in the living room putting quarters into the money rolls. Once we were finished, his dad said, "These rolls will go to taxes and these 10 roles are for you guys to go to the movies, get food etc... They are coming out of the entertainment budget."

As I stared at the 10 roles, I realized that Dan's dad had given us 1,000 quarters to go out and have fun with. This blew my mind because growing up, I never saw my Mama with 1,000 quarters. If she did have $250, it would not be for entertainment.


To clear up my confusion, I asked, "Sir, how are you able to give us these quarters? Is this your money?" "Oh, I'm sorry Gene. I forgot to explain. I own all of those gumball machines you helped us unload and each of those apartment complexes." "Wow! How did you end up owning all of those gigantic apartment complexes?"

He smiled and said, "When I was younger, I invested my savings into buying a small duplex. I lived in one side of it and rented out the other side. I saved that money then bought another one. I repeated that cycle over and over again and managed to earn enough money to buy an apartment complex. I just kept saving and investing, which is how I bought them. I decided to get the gumball machines because most of my tenants have kids, so I figured if I put gumball machines in the apartments, they would get their parents to buy them."


I was in awe as he continued speaking because it made me start thinking about all the times I begged my Mama to buy me a gumball. I never realized that I could have afforded thousands of gumballs if I owned the machine.

This was my 1,000 Quarter Moment that I allowed to change my poverty mindset.

Up to that point, all I had known was lack, so I was preparing myself for a life of struggle. But my 1,000 Quarter Moment changed that because I realized that if Dan's dad could create an abundant life through smart investing and creativity, I could too. 


I started to envision myself owning my own business, apartment complexes, and even my own gumball machines. And because of that change in mindset, today I'm the owner of my own business and moving towards prosperity instead of poverty.

At some point in your life, you will experience a 1,000 Quarter Moment that can completely alter your mindset in the direction of your goals and dreams. When you do, I highly recommend you allow that moment to eliminate your limited mindset because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!
