Sweat For Your Own Dream: How To Create The Life You Want
May 23, 2022 2:01 pm
Sweat For Your Own Dream
Sweating for someone else's dream may seem like a good idea at first, but it can actually backfire. It’s important to remember that our goals should be based on what’s best for us and not what others want from us. When we sweat for someone else’s dream, we often end up sacrificing our own dreams in the process. So if we want to live a purposeful life, we must Sweat for Our Dream and Not Someone Else's Dream.
It was a hot summer day and I just existed the grocery store. As I was putting groceries in my car I hear someone yelling profanities. I turned around and I realized it was one of the store's employees. He was about 35 years old, had on a blue collar shirt, and he was so sweaty he looked like he just got out of a swimming pool. I grabbed two bottles out of water out of my trunk and I approached the employee.
"You good bro?" "Sorry man, I'm just burning up. Its a hundred degrees outside and I'm tired of working for this stupid company." "I can totally understand, here is some water. I had this very job for another company in the past so I know getting baskets in the summer heat is no fun." He took the bottles of water then said "Thanks man. I would have my own water but they said we can't bring water with us, we must go inside the building to get water. This job sucks! But thanks again for the water Sir, I have to finish getting these baskets." As the guy walked off to finish his job, I thought to myself this guy is sweating for someone else's dream instead of sweating for his own dream.
The truth is, this guy represents so many of us. We complain about a job that we loathe but we continue to clock in knowing we are sweating for someone else's dream. I too did this for many years in my life, I would sit in my corporate cubicle and complain about my job instead of taking the steps that were necessary to realize my dream as an Entrepreneur, Author, & Motivational Speaker. I was sweating for someone else's dream and it was making me miserable. It wasn't until I acknowledge the fact that I was choosing to sacrifice my dream to sweat for someone else's dream that I got disgusted enough with my situation to start taking action. Thank goodness I did because today I am sweating for my dream, instead of someone else's dream.
If you are someone who is sweating for someone else's dream and you know in the back of your mind it is causing you to sacrifice your own. I encourage you to do to these 3 things:
1. Acknowledge the fact you are the one who is choosing to sweat for someone else's dream, because doing so will also help you to see you have the power to change things with action.
2. Create a list of at least 3 small action steps you can take that will help you to start to move in the direction of your dream.
3. Choose one of those action steps and implement in the next 5 days. Write on your calendar a day and time you will take this specific action. Because as Zig Ziglar said "You don't have to be great to get started, but you must start to be great."
In conclusion, it is important to remember that while sweating for someone else's dream can be admirable, it can also lead to unhappiness, burn-out and misery. It is crucial to take time for yourself and sweat for your own dream because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!!
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