Water Your Gift
Dec 19, 2022 3:01 pm
The work ethic is gradually decreasing in modern society. There is considerable talent among each of us, but many of us lack the work ethic to materialize our gifts. If we want to bring our gifts to their fulfillment, we must commit ourselves to watering our gifts. What do I mean by this? Let me explain.
One summer day, I decided to begin exploring places that would be great for recording motivational videos for my social media pages. During my exploration, I encountered something that caused me to take note of the relevance of having a consistent work ethic.
There were sprinklers in a field constantly watering the grass, so it could grow. As I stared at them, the revelation came to me that if we want to develop our gifts as individuals, we have to be like those sprinklers and water our gifts with our work ethics.
It doesn't matter if your gift is singing, writing, doing arithmetic problems, and so on. What does matter is your determination to continually water your gift, so it can grow.
Sadly, people in modern society want success without putting in the work. They aren't willing to water their gifts through a continuous work ethic, and that's why their gifts will die within them like grass that's not continuously watered.
I encourage you to avoid becoming one of these individuals by watering your gift with your work ethic because you are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!