Don't Miss Out On Your 500-Acre Opportunity
Aug 08, 2022 2:01 pm
Don't Miss Your 500-Acre Opportunity
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Many of us hope for more in our lives but we don't want to invest in ourselves so therefore we fail to see opportunities that are right in front of us. But if we are constantly investing in ourselves, we can recognize opportunities that can improve our quality of life. That is why it's important that we invest in ourselves so we don't miss our 500-Acre Opportunity. What do I mean by this? Let me explain.
Several weeks ago, I was sitting in a school cafeteria writing a newsletter. Normally during lunch time the janitorial staff would come in and I would have great conversations with them about things going on at their school. On that day, a new janitor came in by himself and his face was as red as an apple. He sat down at the computer beside me and he said "Darn scooter!" "Are you talking to me?" "Yes, can you believe this! My darn scooter has died on me because I used some old gasoline in it. Now I have to buy parts to try to fix it myself."
It was kinda of odd that a man who looked to be in his mid-sixties would be complaining about a scooter so to get clarity I asked "Is that scooter your main transportation or something you ride in your spare time?" "It's my main transportation. I ride it 40 miles to and from work. which isn't a problem because it gets about 70 miles to the gallon. Its not the best transportation in the world but its what I have to drive because my property taxes went out the roof. I use to could pay them with one pay check but now it takes me multiple."
"Why did your property taxes go up all of a sudden?" "Its because of my stupid neighbors." "I'm confused on how its their fault." He ran his fingers through his whitish gray hair and said "Those idiots bought the 500 acres not too far from me. That land has been vacant for years and my understanding is they got it for dirt cheap. They called it their "Fun Land" and they had a house built on it that they hardly stayed at. Well someone offered them over 10 million dollars for the land because it was oil beneath the ground. That couple moved and now there are companies set up there drilling in the ground. That lands value is what caused my property taxes to go up and if those fools never sold, I wouldn't be riding this scooter to work."
I realized that when he said the couple said it was their "Fun Land", they really said "Fund Land" which let me know they were investors. I believe that couple bought that land with the intention of selling; it which is probably why they hardly visited it. "Wow they sold 500 acres for millions! That is amazing! What did they do for a living?" "The husband was a fancy lawyer and the wife was an accountant. They knew about that investing stuff so that is why they got that land I believe. Well, they are now on my bad list and that is not a place anyone wants to be." "Are you still in contact with them?" "No they took their millions, moved on and left me with a higher tax bill".
It amazed me that this man was living next to 500 acres worth millions and he didn't consider trying to invest in it. "Out of curiosity, how long have you stayed next to those 500 acres?" "For 25 years, it's been vacant and I actually could have bought the land myself. But I'm not into that land and investing stuff; I didn't have time over the years to go back to school or learn anything new because I had to work." "What type of work did you do?" "Oh mostly janitorial, call centers, and other odd jobs to pay the bills. I've been doing that most of my life. I saved a good amount of my money over the years but thanks to those idiots, my tax bill has dwindled those savings and that is why I'm still working at 68 years old."
Although I felt sorry for this man and his problem, I saw that he had spent 25 years next to an opportunity that could have improved the quality of his life. He missed his 500-Acre Opportunity because he chose not investment in himself, so therefore he did not have the knowledge or the skills to take advantage of it. That couple on the other hand, did invest in themselves and that empowered them with the skills and knowledge to take advantage of their 500-Acre Opportunity.
Each of us will be presented with a 500-Acre Opportunity at some point. The more knowledge and skill we invest in, the more we'll recognize its value. That opportunity doesn't have to be in the form of land, it can be anything that would help improve the quality of our lives. So I encourage you to invest in yourself so that you can make the most of your 500-Acre Opportunity because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!!
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