Give Your Heart To Your Dream; Not Someone Else's

Jul 25, 2022 2:01 pm


Give Your Heart To Your Dream; Not Someone Else's

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You have a dream in your heart but you are not pursuing it because you are busy building someone else's dream. At some point you will have to make a decision, do you continue to give your heart to someone else's dream or will you give it to fulfill your own? You can choose to spend the rest of your life building someone else's dream because you feel you are not good enough to build your dream. But that will lead to regret because you will always wonder what would have happened had you given your heart to your own.

It was August 2015 and I was headed to my nieces college graduation which would be the following morning. I was filled with excitement because she would be the second person in our immediate family to graduate from college. My eyes were heavy as I was making the 4 hour drive so I got stopped and got some Starbucks and energy drinks. This has been a habit for me for the last 2.5 years because I was working for a major corporation and was under tremendous stress. Our company's CEO had an ambitious dream of growing the company till it was the #1 health provided in the country. The constant stress of my massive workload that allowed me to play my part in helping the company realize his dream had resulted in me sleeping less than 5 hours a day.

After I purchased my Starbucks Coffee and energy drinks from a local store, I got on the highway. I drank my coffee and both energy drinks and I felt like a jolt of electricity had traveled throughout my body. Then all of a sudden, I started breathing rapidly, my heart started pounding and my feet became numb. I grabbed the steering wheel tightly as I started to black out. I woke up discombobulated to a swerving car, I grabbed the steering wheel and it was in that moment I realized I briefly passed out. There was a sign saying that a gas station was two miles away so I exited the highway at the gas station. I sat in my car confused and my heart was beating like I was in a track meet. I got out of my car and went inside the store and got a bottle of water. After I drank the water, my heart rate slowed down and I felt a lot better. So I got back on the highway and headed towards my niece's graduation.

Thirty minutes later, I started feeling dizzy again and my heart started pounding so I pulled over at another gas station that was located next to a small clinic. The clinic had a "Closed" sign on the door but my instincts told me to knock on the door anyway. I got out of my car and started approaching the door and a lady in her early 50s, with black hair and an oval shaped face opened the door. "May I help you." "Is there a Doctor here because I feel like I'm going to pass out." "Come in and lay down." I laid on the Doctor's table and the lady, who was his nursing assistant, called the Doctor on the phone. "I checked his pulse and he has a rapid heart rate. Ok, I will do it." The nurse gave me two big bottles of water and then she gave me some pills to help slow my heart rate. I laid on that table for an hour then my heart rate slowed and I started feeling like my normal self. "Are you ok or do I need to call a paramedic?" "I'm fine."

After paying the lady for the services, I got back in my car to restarted my trip. It was dark outside and I felt fine an hour into my drive but then my heart rate went up again. I exited the highway, drove over a huge bridge hoping to find a gas station. To my surprise, there were none in sight and I found myself driving in a pitch black neighborhood. My GPS system told me to keep driving straight and it showed 80 miles till I got to a gas station. This caused me to panic so I called my sister and talked to her while I drove in this dark neighborhood which had a house every 15 miles or so. My hands felt numb as I held the steering wheel, I was sweating profusely and my heart rate had increased.

"Focus on the road and nothing else." My sister kept telling me as I was having a hard time keeping my composure. I kept having visions of me losing control of the car and crashing into a tree which made it very difficult to concentrate. Then I got what I believe was a sign from God that I would be okay. As I drove, I saw a street sign that said "Mosley Dr." I kept driving and after almost 2 hours of driving in the pitch black without another car in sight, I found a gas station with a hotel across from it. It was now midnight so I told my sister my location, checked into the hotel and went to sleep.

At 6 am the next morning I was headed to the graduation. I got 5 miles from the facility only to have another episode. I drove to a clinic and the Doctor told me that I would have to get more tests. This caused me to miss graduation and I was extremely upset. The good news is I was fine and he could not tell why I was having the episodes but he did tell me that I still had alot of caffeine in my system. I spent the next couple days with my family members and then I drove back home. The trip usually takes me 4.5 hours but this time it took me almost 10. When I made it back to my town, I was in the store and I noticed that my feet started to feel heavy as if I was wearing superman's shoes. My heart rate went up again and the store had to call a paramedic to get me. The Doctor at the hospital referred me to a Cardiologist and after examinations, he had a heart monitor placed on me and told me I was not allowed to work, workout, drive, or anything that may cause stress for 3 months.

At the end of my 3 months, my Cardiologist said "If your job is causing you this much stress, I highly recommend you find a new job or lower your workload. This time you are lucky your heart was healthy enough to take on that much stress but I highly doubt that will be the case if you go back to that workload." As I listened to him I thought to myself "I stayed at home for 3 months wearing a heart monitor because I was giving my heart to my employer's CEO dream."

During my ride home from the Cardiologist, I decided to start my own business. If I was going to give my heart to someone's dream, it would be my own. I started inGENEious Motivation and today I'm giving my heart to my dream instead of someone else's dream.

What would it take for you to put yourself first and stop giving your heart to somebody else's dream? For me, it took a heart monitor before I realized that I was neglecting my heart's desire for someone else's! Now I'm aware that exiting your comfort zone of building someone else's dream isn't easy. Its actually a very daunting process so that is why I want to give you 3 tips that can help you if you decide to start giving your heart to your own dream:

1. Test your dream through commitment. Take 3-months to consistently research your dream and get involved in organizations or networking groups that have people who have a similar dream as your own. This will allow you to find out how serious you are about your dream.

2. Hire a Coach or find a Mentor that will help you on your journey. I don't recommend you do this before you have dedicated 3 months of consistent action to your dream. Coaches or Mentors cannot help anyone who doesn't have his or her heart into their own dream. These people are there to guide you and not to realize your dream for you.

3. Set a day on your calendar when you will officially stop giving your heart to someone else's dream and start giving it to yourself. The months or years are at your discretion but by setting a day it gives you a goal to work towards. Write what I call a "Commitment Contract" to yourself that has the month, day, and year you will start giving your heart to your dream. Sign it and put copies of it in places that will help remind you of your commitment.

If giving your heart to your dream instead of giving it to someone else's was easy, everyone would do it. But I conclude that you aren't like everyone else or perhaps you wouldn't be reading this writing. So I'm encouraging you to begin giving your heart to your dream rather than giving it to someone else's because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!!

P.S. By clicking the link below and creating a login, you can support me in my mission of helping both youth and adults overcome their lack of self-worth, so they can feel that they are WORTHY OF ACHIEVING GREATNESS! By investing in my speaking engagements, apparel, books, coaching services or donating any amount you choose, you'll help me reach more people and change more lives! Thank you so much for your support!
