Passion, Vision, and Expectation: The Key to Success

Jan 08, 2024 3:00 pm


Passion, Vision, and Expectation are important for success. Passion is doing something you love, even if you are not getting paid for it. With dedication, you become skilled enough to be paid for it. For example, my passion is storytelling, and I’ve worked on it for over 10 years. Now, people pay me for keynote speeches, workshops, seminars, and books.

When I started pursuing my passion, I hired a professional speech coach to help me. He tested my commitment to my passion by challenging me to join speech clubs and give free speeches. I ended up giving 1,000 free speeches, which helped me develop my storytelling skills.

Having a vision is as important as passion. It gives direction and purpose, guiding you towards your goals. With a clear vision, you can set specific targets and work towards them with determination.In order to make your passion and vision truly impactful, you must execute. Dedicate yourself to engaging in activities that contribute to your growth in your area of interest, just as I did by presenting free speeches in various speech clubs.

Passion, Vision, and Expectation are necessary for success. Discovering your passion, developing a vision, and executing on that passion will help you reach your goals and unlock your full potential. So be passionate, have a vision, and execute, because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!

P.S. If you are struggling with your self-discipline, click the link below and get a copy of my book WORTHY TO BE GREAT: How To Build Self-Discipline To Achieve Your Greatness
