Defend Your Self-Confidence: Fight Back Against Negativity!

Sep 30, 2024 2:01 pm

SELF-CONFIDENCE: Shielding IT from Negativity


Self-confidence is a vital part of achieving our dreams and living a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, negative people can often hinder our progress. That’s why it’s essential to guard your self-confidence from their influence and maintain a firm belief in yourself. That is why I want to talk about how to shield yourself from negativity so you can start achieving your greatness.

Understanding the Impact of Negative People

Negative individuals come in two forms: conscious haters and unconscious haters. Both types can undermine your self-confidence, but they do it in different ways.

Conscious Haters

These are people who are aware of their negativity, often family members or friends who may seem envious of your dreams. They might make comments that try to belittle your achievements or discourage you from pursuing your dreams. 

For instance, I once met a woman who, upon hearing my dream of becoming a motivational speaker, claimed she was a better speaker than I was. She said, “Gene, that’s always been my dream. We both know I’m a better speaker than you, so you should bring me to your events and let me speak before you, and then you can take it from there.” Her intention was obvious: to undermine my confidence with her negativity. I didn’t fall for it; instead, I removed that individual from my life.

It’s crucial to recognize when someone is trying to bring you down and to distance yourself from such negativity. Remember, their jealousy often stems from their own insecurities.

Unconscious Haters

These individuals may not even realize they are projecting negativity onto you. They might express skepticism about your goals or dismiss your dreams as unrealistic. I encountered someone at a speech club who told me that pursuing speaking engagements was like trying to make it to the NBA — almost impossible. This person was unknowingly projecting his limitations onto me, which can be damaging if we allow it to seep into our minds.

The Importance of Shielding Your Confidence

Just like the sternum protects the heart, we must create a shield around our self-confidence. Without this protection, we risk allowing negative comments and limiting beliefs to penetrate our thoughts and feelings. Here are some strategies to help you shield your self-confidence:

1. Recognize Negative Influences

Awareness is the first step in shielding yourself. Identify the people in your life who drain your energy or undermine your confidence. Limit your exposure to them.

2. Speak Up for Yourself

Don’t be afraid to voice your dreams and ambitions. When you articulate your goals, you reinforce your commitment to them while simultaneously creating a barrier against negativity.

3. Focus on Your Abilities

Trust in your knowledge, skills and potential. Remind yourself regularly of your strengths and past successes. This practice will strengthen your self-belief and help you resist negative projections from others.

4. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Seek supportive individuals who uplift you and encourage your growth. Positive influences can provide the encouragement you need to pursue your dreams.

5. Reflect on Your Goals

Visualize your goals and the steps needed to achieve them. This reflection will keep you grounded and focused on what truly matters.


Remember, you are worthy of success and happiness. By shielding your self-confidence from negativity, you empower yourself to pursue your dreams without fear or doubt. Stay strong, believe in yourself, and don’t let anyone dim your light because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT! 


Here are some self-assessment questions to help you start shielding your self-confidence from negativity:

Self-Assessment Questions

1) Identification of Influences

  • Who in your life do you consider to be a negative influence? Can you describe specific behaviors or comments they make that impact your confidence?

2) Conscious vs. Unconscious Haters

  • Reflect on your experiences. Have you encountered conscious haters? Describe a situation where someone intentionally undermined your confidence. Have you interacted with unconscious haters? How did their skepticism affect your perception of your goals?

3) Recognition of Negative Thoughts

  • How often do you doubt your abilities because of external comments? Can you identify specific instances where this has happened?

4) Self-Advocacy

  • Are you comfortable voicing your dreams and ambitions to others? Why or why not? What steps can you take to improve in this area?

5) Focus on Strengths

  • List three of your strengths or past successes. How do these qualities help reinforce your self-confidence?

6) Support System

  • Who are the positive influences in your life? In what ways do they uplift and encourage you?

7) Goal Reflection

  • Take a moment to visualize your aspirations. What are the specific steps you need to take to achieve them? How does reflecting on these goals make you feel?

8) Empowerment and Worthiness

  • Do you believe you are worthy of success and happiness? What beliefs or affirmations can you adopt to strengthen this self-worth?

9) Action Plan

  • After reading the content, what specific actions will you take to shield your self-confidence from negativity in the future?

These questions encourage reflection on personal experiences and thoughts related to self-confidence and the impact of negative influences.
