Is Tall Poppy Syndrome Discouraging You?

May 01, 2023 2:01 pm


When you have a dream, and you begin to pursue it, some people will start to hate on you. The best thing you can do for yourself is Not Let Their Tall Poppy Syndrome discourage you!

What's Tall Poppy Syndrome? Tall Poppy Syndrome comes from the idea that tall poppies, which are flowers, are more noticeable and thus more likely to be cut down. So how does this correlate to a syndrome and someone hating on you? Let me explain.


When I was growing up in my hood, I dreamed of playing college basketball. So, every day, I would shoot hundreds of jump shots on my basketball goal and dribble my basketball for hours.

People in my hood took notice of my dedication to my dream and were mostly encouraging, but I had one friend who really tried to discourage me with his Tall Poppy Syndrome.

Kody, who was 16 years old, had dark skin and wasn't good at taking care of his health, said to me "Gene, you won't make it playing college basketball. You're too short. You have hoop dreams and when you don't make it you'll be strung out on drugs."

I was annoyed with his negative prediction for my future, so I said, "It sounds like you're describing your own future, not mine." He laughed and said, "Eventually you'll see that I'm right."


Instead of arguing with Kody, I continued to work on my basketball skills. Whenever I would hear one of his negative remarks, I would ignore him.

His Tall Poppy Syndrome was motivated by his distaste for watching someone who grew up in the same situation as him working to achieve a goal. He felt unable to accomplish anything in his life, and he wanted me to feel the same.

But instead of allowing his Tall Poppy Syndrome to discourage me, I kept working on my basketball skills.


Several years later, I was standing in the locker room, wearing my white and blue basketball uniform. As I stared in the mirror as a college athlete, I was grateful I didn't let his Tall Poppy Syndrome discourage me.

When you have a dream or goal you want to achieve, you will also meet people who suffer from Tall Poppy Syndrome. These people will see you working to be successful and try to cut you down.

So I encourage you to keep working on your dream. Keep focusing on your goal. Don’t let the Tall Poppy Syndrome Discourage You because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!
