Take Responsibility for Your Dream | WORTHY TO BE GREAT Newsletter

Apr 25, 2022 2:00 pm

Take Responsibility for Your


If you have a dream, you have to take responsibility for it becoming a reality in your life. Don't sit back and wait for others to support your dream, instead take ownership by being responsible for your willingness to learn and push yourself to new levels.

Several years ago I decided to substitute teach at a middle school. During my lunch break, a fellow sub I had never seen before walked into the cafeteria. She was about 50 years old, very slim, and talked with a deep southern ascent. As we were conversing about the students, she stopped and she asked "Do you want to be a full time teacher?" "No, I'm actually a professional speaker and subbing helps me to stay current. By being in the classrooms with the students and talking to full time teachers and administrators, I know what type of content I need to put in my speeches and future books." "SO YOU ARE AN AUTHOR!" "Yes." "Its been my dream since I was a kid to write my own book. I've been thinking about it over the years and I really want to write my life story. Do you have any tips?" I shared some very broad tips with her about authorship, then I informed her about my second book which teaches people how to self-publish their book.

"My latest book is a step-by-step guide that can help you publish your first book. I have copies of it in my car. Would you like to invest in a copy?" "You mean you want me to pay for it?" "Yes." "Why can't you just give me a copy?"

Shocked by her question I responded "Because I put a lot of hard work into that book and it also cost me a lot financially to get it published. I'm sure if you become an author you would want to be compensated for your hard work. Wouldn't you?" "Yes." I went on to explain to her some of the cost associated with publishing a book and she said "I really want to write a book but who will pay for me to get an editor and publish it?" After that question, I decided to exit the conversation because I realized she wasn't willing to take responsibility for her dream.

It's important to remember that achieving your dreams is up to you. Don't make the mistake of this lady and try to pass the responsibility of your dream onto others. Instead, take responsibility for your dream because You Are WORTHY TO BE GREAT!!

P.S. If you are having difficulty with your self-discipline, my 30-day SELF-DISCIPLINE CHALLENGE is for you! Click the link below and get my FREE E-Book that outlines the challenge in detail. The overall goal of this 30-Day Challenge is to achieve more Disciplined Days than Undisciplined Days for a specified amount of time. We will be starting our 4th month on May 2, 2022, so get the instructions so you don't miss out!

Link to E-BOOK: https://bit.ly/3K9p6Xh

P.S.S. To get access to all my social media profiles as well as my website and contact information, click the link below:


