My Identity Shifted This is What Happened

Send me a textA coach of mine suggested I share my story. There are many parts to it, but this is one big piece that I hope everyone can learn from. I shifted my identity from seeing myself as a "rogue" to "priest" which completely reframed my perspe...

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Nov 07, 2022
LifeHUD The Experience Bar For Focused Growth

Send me a textThe experience bar is there for us to track our progress and get the most out of our quests - so let's start making better use of it!If you like this, please go to the Facebook page or share with friends who could also benefit from it.O...

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Nov 04, 2022
LifeHUD The Minimap of Clarity

Send me a textThere are 3 key components to the minimap of Life's HUD and one connected piece that's just as necessary. Where you are, where you're going, the path, and the vehicle.* Where you are (awareness of self or situation)* Where you're going...

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Nov 03, 2022
LifeHUD The Resource Globe of Your Psyche

Send me a textThis is about one of the objects on Life's Heads-Up Display (HUD) - the Resource Globe that shows the balance of introversion and extraversion. Bad things happen when you overly fill-up on one or the other resource. Make sure you are aw...

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Nov 02, 2022
Learn More From Experiences With the LOOT Framework

Send me a textToo Much Baggage? The LOOT framework is something I created to help me gain more important insights and messages from my experiences. It helps you learn more from experiences by reducing your "baggage" by paying attention to what is imp...

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Oct 29, 2022
Is Basing Relationships on MBTI Type a Good Thing

Send me a textI get asked about which Myers-Briggs (MBTI) type is compatible with which type all the time and while there are some natural benefits from basing relationships on MBTI type pairings like INFP and ENFJ or ISTJ and ESTP, there are problem...

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Oct 27, 2022
How to Listen to Your Spidey Sense (And Why You Should)

Send me a textSpiderman's story, personality type, and powers are full of lessons for everyone: whether you're a kid, a teen, or an adult, you can learn a lot from how he deals with the challenges in his life.Have you ever had a feeling about somethi...

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Oct 24, 2022
How Video Games Can Teach You To Be A Better Person

Send me a textThis episode talks about how years of gaming can teach us to live a better life. Games are so often seen as a waste of time - something you do to escape the real world, or otherwise a childish hobby. But what if games have more to offer...

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Oct 21, 2022