INFPs: Master Life with ISFJ Wisdom! 🎓🌟

Send me a textGreetings fellow INFPs! 🎉 Welcome back to Geek Psychology, the channel that helps you understand and develop your unique personality. I'm Sherman, and I'm here to help you understand more about your personality type so you can feel bett...

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Dec 27, 2023
Unlock Your Inner RPG Classes (All 8!)

Send me a textCurious about your personality type? Want life to be more entertaining and fantastical? That’s why I made this personality assessment. Get your score!http://geekpsychology.comOriginal video:

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Dec 26, 2023
Building Rapport with Your Cognitive Functions

Send me a textIf you're curious about getting to know yourself better, try personifying your cognitive functions and learning to build rapport with them! Treat them like they're part of your own mental questing party and explore their perspectives on...

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Dec 25, 2023
How INFPs can get out of FiSi Loop

Send me a textStuck in an FiSi loop as an INFP? 🤯 In today's video, I discuss how INFPs can overcome this dilemma and break free! 💪 We'll dive into the resonating soul (introverted feeling), and the stabilizing guardian (introverted sensing) interpla...

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Dec 23, 2023
ESTP Explained Through Rocket Raccoon 🦝

Send me a textHave you ever wondered what makes Rocket Raccoon, our favorite anthropomorphic mischief-maker from the cosmos, the perfect embodiment of the ESTP personality? Let's break down his journey, track his character development, and uncover th...

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Dec 22, 2023
Bounce back from failure without spiraling down

Send me a textHey there fellow adventurers, Sherman here with another life-guiding video. If you've ever felt like life's challenges were unfair, like an intricate puzzle or boss fight, then this video is for you!In this unconventional guide, we're d...

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Dec 21, 2023
INFPs struggle with setting goals because...

Send me a textLife is an ever-evolving journey. It's okay to not have all the answers or to know exactly what you want. Sometimes even if you don't know the destination, you'll know it is the right one when you get there - it'll just feel right.Origi...

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Dec 20, 2023