Instagram LogoSunday 10/25 Post People who display ‘bullying personalities’ are often actually suffering internally with self image, self esteem issues. The way they deal with this lack of self confidence is to compensate for it with negative aggressive bullying behavior. We can steer our children, at an early age, towards positive self esteem and self image by teaching them how to build their self confidence. All the aspects of positive behavior (helping others, sharing, even creativity) develops positive self image. Helping others creates positive feelings about ourselves. Sharing with others also creates more positive feelings about ourselves. Positive feelings about ourselves, develops self pride. Self pride in ourselves develops positive self esteem and self image. The more positive things we do for others, the greater our positive self image builds. Teach your preschoolers all these positive aspects in order to raise them to be positive contributors to our world as adults. All the subjects in the 15 Professor Crawly lessons are linked as contributing behaviors to building a positive self image. #halloween #autumn #thanksgiving #caringforourkids #preschoolerbooks #preschoolertraining #kindergardenbooks #childrensbooks #teacherssupportingauthors #supportauthors #teachersfollowteachers #bedtimereading #classroombooks #instagramauthors #readingroom #drseuss #drseussquotes #drseussweek #charlebrown #preschoolerslearning #teachingpositiveattitudes #positivebehavior #lifelessonsforkids #bestsellers #goodvalues #teachingintegrity #teachingmoralvalues #doingtherightthing #familyresource