Valentino in Vancouver is Live!, Freebies, and a cover reveal

Sep 07, 2022 1:31 pm


Greetings from still hot Abbotsford, British Columbia!

To me, September means new beginnings - a return to school, an end of vacation, as well as the end of summer. Well, no one told the weather Gods here in southern British Columbia as the hot weather continues. Not so bad that I need my a/c, but hot enough with the humidity that I'm not venturing out during the middle of the day. I can't believe we've been in our new home for almost a year and are truly settled.

And now, on this lovely morning, I get to share my news!

Valentino in Vancouver is Live!!

I'll admit I had fun with this project. The call from my publisher was for an erotic novella involving: an American, a stamp on their passport, and a foreign location. A friend suggested I write about my beloved Vancouver. I was like, huh? Canada's not a foreign country. I mean, I get that we're not American - but we're pretty darn close. We have the same holidays (or at least some), we consume the same media (except for Can Con - Canadian Content), and we - mostly - speak the same language.

My editor came back and confirmed Canada was a foreign country for this call.

Next, I had to come up with a story. A reason for an American to come to Canada. Sure, there are thousands...but I wanted my story to have a unique twist. What if...the American needed to hide out? Okay, and who was he going to meet? Well, someone who is as Canadian as you can get! My family hails from the province of Newfoundland. In fact, my grandfather was born there when the place was still its own country - before it joined the Confederation of Canada. My second hero is Seamus - a redheaded Newfie.

Finally, I wanted to bring back some old friends. Peter and Thomas, two secondary characters in this book, hail from my books Catch a Tiger by the Tail and Solstice Surprise (free on all platforms). If you haven't read those stories, no worries! Valentino is a standalone romance. But if you've read my previous books, you'll see some familiar faces.

Oh, one last hurdle. The senior editor for the press came back and said she didn't like the title I had created - Vanishing in Vancouver - not sexy enough. Oh, and Frank wasn't a good hero's name. (I apologize to all the Franks out there - I tried.) Undeterred, I sought advice from friends, one of whom suggested Valentino, after the Hollywood idol Rudolph Valentino. And the lead character could be named Valentino with the nickname Val. Now, my character has a touch of Latin heritage, so this worked. The publisher approved the story and Valentino in Vancouver got the green light.

This book has been one of my fastest projects from writing to publication because the press had 5 other Passport to Pleasure books slated for release - with locales such as Scotland, the South Pacific, Cairo, London, and Sorrento. Mine is the only gay romance, but I invite you to check out the others. Very steamy!

I give you Valentino in Vancouver.



When I need to get away from the heat in Los Angeles, I head to a friend’s house in Vancouver, Canada. I just need to hide out. Oh, and that cute redhead? A mighty fine way to pass the time. Will this fling become something more by the time things cool down?


When I’m invited to my boss’s house for a party, I’m thrilled. And nervous. Then I meet a guy who helps me relax. Even when I find out who he is, I keep coming back for more. Only it turns out I might be way over my head. Can I get out before I fall for him? 


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(Oh, and when you're reading the book, pay attention to the character of Elouise - I might have news about her in the new year...)


Cover Reveal!

Back in the spring, I contributed a short story (10k words) to a Ukraine charity anthology. We raised almost $9,000. Small compared to the need, but still I felt good being able to contribute. Now, I'm ready to release the story on its own. The Lightkeeper's Love Affair is coming later this month. (Being recorded for audio by Michael Dean shortly.)


I have to say, I love Cate Ashwood's cover. This wasn't how I pictured my Isaac...but now I can't see him any other way. I'll be back with news once Isaac and Ben are ready to be released into the world.

The Next HEA Collective Books are in!

Did you see? Robin Covington's new gay romance novella is available now through the Happily Ever After Collective. This month's theme is Enemies to Lovers and also includes books by Piper J. Drake, Kilby Blades, and Mariah Ankenman.

Here are the deets for Robin's book:

How do you get over your ex when he's voted the sexiest man alive? Asking for a friend. Check out Robin Covington’s First Look, a Happily Ever After Collective exclusive.



Did Gabbi say FREE Stories?


Your chance to check out some freebies, including authors who might be new to you. Hopefully you'll find something to add to your TBR...


More Free Stories!


Don't forget to check out the ezine titled Rommantic Reads! Each week we're providing a flash fiction story. My story, titled French Horn Blow Job will be coming up shortly. Anne Barwell and Jay Mountney have put up their stories, and there are more to come. Chris Quinton added a cute poem as well. Check it out!

rommantic reads

Want to see me read?

PSSSST. I, uh, did a reading. From my Single Dads of Gaynor Beach novel Hugh. If you're interested, I was one of five authors from a writing group I belong to who read from their various works of fiction and non-fiction (I'm at 38:40). Personally, I'm not a fan of my voice (actual voice, not author voice), but I'd love to hear what you think. Readers are loving Hugh and Anthony, a character I introduce in this scene, is getting his own book shortly (my current writing project that might or might not be a bit of a mess but I promise will be perfect by December...)


You can help!

During these turbulent times, it can feel like the world is spinning out of control. Well, 50 of my favorite romance authors banded together to create Dissent: A Romance Charity Anthology. You have to check it out!




Do you like my writing?

It's okay if you don't. It's okay if you've never read a book written by me. It's okay if you're just here for the freebies. All that being said, if you love my writing, and are on the adventurous side, I write dark erotic m/f BDSM romances under the pen name Gabbi Black. My new release, Innocent Eyes, comes out October 17th and is available for a pre-sale price that is a couple of dollars less than the launch price. Not sure you want to make the investment? The first book in the series, Amber Eyes, is on sale for 99 cents! (The books are standalones.) Book 2, Beautiful Eyes, will be for sale for 99 cents at the beginning of October. I wrote these books years ago, based on my experience in the BDSM community, and I love that I found a home for them and that they're finally being published. (And aren't the covers gorgeous?)


In Their Eyes Series

Don't forget, I love hearing from you. Feel free to drop me a line - hearing from you makes this journey of writing a little less lonely. And thank you to those who reached out to me after I shared my news of losing my beloved cat - those notes helped me through a rough time.

Take Care. Stay Safe. Stay Sane.

Love, Gabbi

(and don't forget to pick up your copy of Valentino in Vancouver today!)


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