
Is Mexico your adopted home?

Somos Frutas y Verduras is a community that connects people through the joy of eating healthy whole plant foods.

And when we participate in regional food ways for our everyday needs, it is a meaningful action that honors, respects and supports the communities we live amongst.

Mexico's indigenous communities protect and preserve regional plant foods that are the foundation of the precious cultural heritage.

Their knowledge and wisdom leads the way in sustainable solutions for protecting biodiversity for the future.


We connect in the Somos Frutas y Verduras community, to deepen our understanding of regional food ways in Mexico and to learn from those with specificl knowledge and expertise in the food-culture realm.... chefs, activists, researchers, thought-leaders.

Our aim is to collectively shift our choices – poco a poco – to be become eaters aligned with the cultural values and the economic needs of our hosts, and with the health of our land.


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